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The Pampering CEO: Don't Mess With My Secretly-Married Sweet Wife novel Chapter 110

Susan was beyond rage when she saw the two of them go on and on and on as if she was the real culprit. She could not understand how such shameless people could exist in the world.

Sheldon was really trying to destroy her.

"Everything I said is the truth.” Susan was on the verge of breaking down, "If you don’t believe me, let's head back to the hotel and ask them to get the surveillance video out to see if I really stopped by your room."

"You’re saying this because you know that the hotel would only keep the surveillance video for 24 hours." Sheldon sighed, "I’m so disappointed, Susan. It’s really such a shame that someone cancerous like you would appear in the design industry."

"Can you stop turning things upside down?” Susan said through gritted teeth.

"I'm turning things upside down?” Sheldon raised one of his eyebrows, "I've been in this industry for so long and nobody has spoken ill of me before. I keep my nose clean and I've never gotten involved in any scandal with a woman before. You claim that I'm having an affair with Lily, so try to go and ask everyone who knows me. Do you think they will believe you?

"Susan oh Susan, listen to me. I've seen a lot of people, and I know some of them who want to take shortcuts just like you. But as a human being, the most important thing is our heart. Whatever we’re doing, staying steadfast and progressing is still mainstream. Initially, I planned to draw a veil over the fact you tried to make a pass with me, but never did I expect that you would lay the sin on an innocent person. So, I'm out of this, Susan. I don't think I can help you keep it a secret anymore."

Susan's face was livid with rage. She hissed, "You're all mouth but no trousers, Sheldon Parsons. If I really a m the one behind everything, show us some solid proof."

"Yes, indeed. Just like you said, I don't have any solid proof," Sheldon said openly, "I'll stake my reputation that everything I said is the truth. Susan Shelby tried t o seduce me, and I rejected her."

Sheldon had a good reputation, so many of them chose to believe him. A murmur began spreading through the crowd as they all looked contemptuously a t Susan.

"She's the one who committed the deed, yet she’s brazen enough to lay the blame at the door of the other."

"The quality of the newbies is getting worse batch by batch." "I wonder if she has been living in a cave all along?

Has she never heard that Mister Parsons is impartial and disinterested? How bold of her to try and seduce him."

"Shut the hell up! Mister Parsons doesn't have evidence either," Chance was still defending Susan. After all, he believed in Susan, and he was certain that Sheldon had colluded with Lily to gang up on Susan.

Nevertheless, nobody was standing on his side, so there was nothing he could do. Everyone ignored him as they were busy ridiculing Susan.

Susan clenched her fists tight and her expression grew gloomier with every passing second. Sheldon's shamelessness was beyond her imagination.

"Alright, Susan," Sheldon looked at Susan pitifully as h e said, "You're disqualified, so you're not welcome here. Pack your things up and leave."

As he was talking, a gleam of triumph crossed his eyes. He had spent years nurturing his reputation, and his efforts finally paid off. Everybody chose to believe him rather than Susan although he could not provide any solid evidence.

Truth be told, he did not lie when he said Susan was talented. He genuinely felt Susan was a budding young interior designer. However, she had seen something that she was not supposed to see, so she needed to be eliminated.

"I'm not leaving," Susan gritted her teeth. Then, she hardened her expression and said, "I didn't cheat and I didn't seduce anyone. I’m not going anywhere until I obtain the justice I deserve."

If she walked away now, she would lose her only chance to clear her name. With those two charges pinned to her name, she would not be able to find any job in this industry anymore.

"Nobody likes a person who doesn’t know when to quit, Susan,” Lily signed, "You're just making yourself even more embarrassed by staying here."

Susan took a deep breath and then said coldly, "I don't agree with Mister Parsons's judgment. I demand the intervention of the organizer to investigate both incidents." 2

"Intervention of the organizer?" Sheldon sneered. 1

Indeed, the rule stated that if the participant had any questions about the results, they had the power to ask the organizer to intervene. That being said, the rule was just there as a decoration. Basically, no one was expected to use the rule. After all, considering his fame in the designing industry, it was very apparent that the organizer would not stand up for a young designer and offend him.


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