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Seriously, You Are Mine novel Chapter 16

Long House.

Mrs. Long sat on the sofa and asked the housekeeper again. "Call the Lord's Night Journey again and see where he is! Let him come back to see me. What is it? It's just a good wedding." Let him cancel it."

"Mom, you do not get angry, Jack Long to do so, he must have a reason." Long Lady Yin Chiang comfort.

"Whatever the reason I don't care, but it's not right to treat Sue's side like this. We lost the number of rituals first. This is going to be spread out. What is the face of our Long's family?"

"Mom, I will talk to Jack Long to see why he wants to cancel the wedding." Ares Long followed comfort.

"I have planned, let them get married this year, and give me a great-grandson tomorrow. Now, who am I going to have a grandson?" The old lady's temper is hot.

At this moment, the servants outside the door rushed in and rumored, "Old lady, lord, madam, Miss Sue."

"Come and ask this poor girl to come in!" Mrs. Long immediately ordered.

After a while, I saw the red-faced Yufa Sue who had changed into a dignified costume. The clear eyes also contained tears, so unforgettable.

"Hey, come, kid, come to Grandma." Mrs. Long

immediately regarded her as her granddaughter and wanted to hold her arms to comfort herself.

Yufa Sue immediately sat next to Mrs. Long's wife and reached out to her arms. "Grandma, sorry..."

Yin Chiang handed her a piece of paper, "Scratch your tears!"

Yufa Sue wiped her tears and listened to Mrs. Long's wife patted her shoulder. "What is sorry, what should I say is sorry for our Long's family. What is wrong with you?"


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