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Seriously, You Are Mine novel Chapter 21

Yin Chiang still smiled, but her heart snorted. It seemed that this girl had already begun to rely on her son. She even wanted to live in her son’s house, but her son and Yufa Sue were to be married. How could that be?

Besides, this Lolo Sue and Yufa Sue were still sisters. It was reasonable to say that Lolo Sue had to call his son a brother - in — law, God! She felt confused.

Jack Long reached out and touched his daughter's small head and whispered, "Would you like to go to Mommy first? Talk to your grandparents for a while."

"Yeah!" Xin Sue nodded, and Jack Long took her to the ground. The two little babies turned and ran to the hall.

Looking at the son and daughter went in, Jack Long's gaze slightly cast a window of direction, and at this moment, Lolo Luo just peeked at them, saw the man actually looked at this side, she panicked and quickly dropped the curtains.

Jack Long squint a blind eye, toward the parents he said, "Dad, Mom, you should now know why I canceled the engagement ceremony of it!"

"How can you see at a glance that your child is yours? Did you do aDNAtest?" Yin Chiang asked curiously. It was only a matter of hours before his son saw these two children. It should be too late to confirm!

"Not yet, but I am sure they are my children."

"You would be so much self — confident?" Ares Long asked.

Jack Long was slightly stunned. Five years ago, he really had a hard time opening his mouth to his parents.


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