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Seriously, You Are Mine novel Chapter 328

This night, Sarah had insomnia. With her eyes closed, she could go back to the night four years ago. In fact, that night, she didn't remember much. She only remembered that in confusion, she felt an anguish as her body was splitting.

Sarah could not forget that morning when she woke up, her entire body was in a state of embarrassment. It was an extreme shame.

She could not wash the red marks on her. At that time, she felt that she was so dirty.

Sarah Clark didn't want to recall the event four years ago. She wanted to forget.

While Chloe was asleep, Sarah cut a small amount of hair at the end of Chloe's hair and wrapped it in a tissue. She then opened her eyes and waited for dawn.

From time to time, Sarah looked at her daughter's cheeks and her heart ached when she found Chloe's face was 50% similar to Aaron's.

Other people's children were the culmination of love. They came to this world in love. She was guilty to her daughter,.

Morning finally came. Sarah could not sleep at all. She thought about it all night, messing around and thinking about many things.

When Aunty Bush came, Sarah entrusted Aunty Bush to take care of Chloe. Then Sarah immediately went to the hospital.

Sarah asked the driver to wait downstairs. She disguised herself and went out to the hospital nearby.

Sarah Clark found the DNA verification room. She submitted two hair samples, paid the money, and waited for the result.

When she waited for the result, her nervous palms were sweating. Inexplicably, she hoped that her daughter would be Aaron's daughter, because at least the man that night was him. If Sarah can make a choice between an unknown man or Aaron, she would choose Aaron.

However, she could not accept that Aaron was such a person, and her heart was extremely contradictory.

Sarah Clark waited for a while, then she heard the doctor calling her name. "Sarah Clark, your result is out, come and take it."

Sarah Clark quickly hurried over and took the report from the doctor. The doctor could not help but look at her more, probably recognizing that she was a celebrity.

After Sarah Clark took it, she quickly walked to the side and opened the report form.

She looked directly at the bottom of the results. After the identification, the two sides were biological father-daughter relationships. Sarah Clark's head exploded. When she heard Leonard Adams's words yesterday, she really did not believe it, but what she saw now could not be wrong.

She had obtained hair from Aaron Anderson last night, and she had also cut her daughter's hair last night, so this would not be mistaken.

Sarah Clark went to the window and asked the doctor, "Doctor, would there be anything wrong with this report?"

"Miss, don't worry, we're certified by the authority. If you don't trust us, you can go to other hospitals to review."

"No, thank you." After hearing this, Sarah couldn't doubt it anymore.

In the end, there would be no fakes. Then, this was true.

Her daughter was indeed the child of Aaron Anderson. Sarah Clark stood in the spot and froze for a few seconds. At this time, she made up her mind.

She had to face Aaron Anderson directly. She had to warn this man that he should never think about stealing her daughter from her hands.

When Sarah Clark thought about it, she picked up her phone and felt that she was full of momentum. While holding her phone, she walked out of the hospital and waited for Aaron to answer.

"Hello, Sarah." Aaron's tone was low and gentle.


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