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Sextuplets From Ruthless Love novel Chapter 10

Jessica spun around when she heard someone calling out to her from behind, only to furrow her brows when she saw that it was Melissa.

"You're working here as an escort? You know, you could just tell me if you're pressed for cash!

Dad knows a lot of men that really like you, so there's no need for you to be working here at all!" Melissa said with a disdainful expression as she no longer had to put up an act like she did

earlier in the day.

"Thank you for the kind offer, but that won't be necessary," Jessica replied and tried to walk away, but Melissa grabbed her by the arm.

"What's with that arrogant attitude of yours, huh? Do you still think you're the precious daughter of the Jackson family? Guess what? You're not! Right now, you're nothing but a filthy escort!"

Melissa had always hated her emotionless and arrogant look as it made everyone in Horington think Jessica was being elegant.

"I'm sick and tired of living under her shadow!

Everyone knows her as the number one socialite in Horington, but nobody even cares about me in the slightest!" she thought to herself as she

gave Jessica a hard shove.

Having been caught off guard, Jessica lost her balance and fell to the floor.

Even so, she maintained that emotionless look on her face as she calmly got back on her feet and limped away.

After everything she had experienced in the past five years, Jessica was no longer the hot-tempered woman she used to be.

Upon returning to the dressing room, she was told that a customer in room four had requested for her.

"Hmm... Someone must've spotted my employee number when I was standing in the corridor earlier. Well, whatever... All that matters is that I get paid!" Jessica thought to herself as she opened the door to room number four with a smile.

"Hello, I'm-"

She paused halfway through her greeting when she recognized the guests in the room.

They were all her friends when she was still with the Jackson family five years ago. Back then, she would often come to Cerulean with them and have male escorts entertain them.

Never before had she expected to someday end up serving them as an escort.

Chapter 10 1


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