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Sextuplets From Ruthless Love novel Chapter 9

Jessica frowned as she had had enough of his sarcasm.

"Just tell me what I have to do to be free from you, Mr. Gulliford."

Trevor released his grip on her chin and pulled out a credit card as he replied, "Alfred gave you 150 thousand dollars, right? You enjoy making money working at Cerulean, don't you? Here, I'll make this simple for you. Once you've made 750 thousand dollars working at Cerulean, transfer it all to this card and I'll let you go free."

Jessica nodded and took the card over from him. "Fine. Can I go now?"

Of course, a man as wealthy as Trevor couldn't possibly care less about the money.

He simply wanted to see her embarrass herself working at Cerulean.

She thought Trevor would no longer be able to hurt her as it had already been five years, but he had been repeatedly abusing her since her return.

Trevor looked away from her and said coldly, "Ten days."

"Got it."

Jessica opened the door and got out of the car with an emotionless look on her face.

"Oh, my goodness! Where were you? The kids have been trying to reach you ever since they got home! They tried calling you countless times, but you never answered your phone!" Monica exclaimed anxiously the moment she got home.

Upon pulling out her phone, Jessica realized she accidentally had it on Silent mode the whole time. She then quickly reassured Monica and the kids that everything was all right.

"Remember, kids. If you ever see this man in the future, make sure to stay as far away from him as possible!" she said while showing them a picture of Trevor that she found on the internet.

Whoa! He looks just like my brothers! Is he our daddy?"Faye asked.

Jessica felt her heart ache when she heard that.

"No, he isn't! He's a bad guy who will take you all away from me, so you must all stay away from him. Is that understood?"

As the kids trusted her unconditionally, they nodded and said in unison, "Understood, Mommy! We'll stay away from that bad guy!"

Jessica felt somewhat relieved after hearing that.

Recalling her promise to Trevor, she headed over to Cerulean even though she had taken the day off.

After all, earning 750 thousand dollars in ten days was no easy task.

Chapter 9 1

Chapter 9 2


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