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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173 

Just when Lizetta thought she was about to be devoured by Remington on the couch with no escape, everything went dark 

Tums out, Remington had chucked his shirt over her head. By the time Lizetta yanked the shirt away, the guy was already at the bathroom door, throwing some shade her way

*Better think about what you’re gonna spill later!” 

He ducked into the bathroom, and the sound of running water filled the space

Lizetta sprang up and dashed for the door, but whatever trick Remington had pulled on it, she couldn’t crack it after fiddling with it for ages

When Remington emerged from the bathroom in his robe, Lizetta was slumped on the couch, having thrown In the towel

Remington, toweling off his wet hair, sauntered over. His robe was tied loosely, and that justshowered vibe made him seem even more dangerous and imposing

Not daring to look too long. Lizetta ducked her head and scooted over. No sooner had she settled down than something landed on her lap

A hairdryer

She glanced over at Remington, who was now lounging against the back of the couch, and commanded

Come and dry my hair.” 

Can’t you do it yourself?” 

Sometimes the guy could be so lazy 

Even though he was religious about his onehour workout every day, he often couldn’t be bothered to dry his hair after a shower, so he would just give it a quick rub and call it a day

Back in the day, Lizetta would always worry he’d catch a cold or end up with some old man’s ailment, so she’d follow him around, with hairdryer in hand, and nagged him to use it

When he found it too bothersome and didn’t cooperate, she’d press him into the couch and do it for him

Sometimes, she’d even kneel by the bed and dry his hair while he slept; the buzzing sound never woke him up, but rather helped him sleep deeper

This sudden rush of memories sent a wave of mixed feelings through Lizetta

She stayed put, while Remington’s eyes flicked open to look at her

Aren’t you gonna take responsibility for what you’ve done?” 

As his words could easily be taken the wrong way, Lizetta was left speechless

He drawled again, Or would you rather serve me in bed?” 

Lizetta felt even more speechless

Forget it; drying hair is way better than having a breakup shag with him

She stood up, plugged in the hairdryer, and walked behind the couch to help him

The warm air brushed through his hair tips as Lizetta reached out to tousle his wet locks, but her fingers paused



He had showered for quite a while, with cold water all along

She frowned subconsciously, but she, not being naive anymore, knew why he’d taken a cold shower

Talk about a breakup shag, it was clearly just to scare her

He hadn’t planned on hurting or forcing her after all

She felt a mix of sourness and swelling in her heart, and she couldn’t tell if she was relieved or tensed up

At that moment, Lizetta paradoxically wished Remington could be a bit harsher with her


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