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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 

Remington hopped through the window and swiftly strode forward, grabbing the woman. by the waist and pulling her back to him

Lizetta threw herself into Remington’s arms, while clutching at his clothes; her eyes were wide with shock as she looked up at him

Their eyes met and Lizetta froze

Remington was dressed casually in sportswear, his hair, not as meticulously styled as usual, fell loosely around his face

Not bothering to dry his hair, he left it damp and hanging in front of his eyes. The sunlight streaming in from the window danced in his tresses, making him look years younger, evep boyish

He reminded Lizetta of that handsome young man who used to make her heart race and her cheeks blush when she was younger

Lizetta’s heart skipped a beat; she felt her pulse racing, and her mind going blank

Then, Remington’s eyes twinkled with amusement as he asked, Scared ya? Why so chicken?” 

Lizetta snapped back to reality and pushed Remington away


How on earth did you get in through the window? This is the second floor! If you were in such a hurry to leave, I could have told Grandma.” 

She didn’t get to finish her sentence before Remington opened his palm to reveal a few orange candies

Lizetta froze again as Remington raised his hand, offering the candies to her

She felt breathless, like she was in a dream

Boys would climb up to their beloved girl’s window just to give her a single candy; it was an act so sweet and innocent that it almost didn’t seem real

What are you spacing out for? See if it’s your favorite orange candy,Remington said with a laugh in his voice. Seeing her not moving, he unwrapped a candy and brought it to Lizetta’s lips

Instinctively, she opened her mouth and took it, then the soursweet taste of orange spread through her mouth

Lizetta felt a similar sweetness in her heart

Is it good?Remington asked, reaching out to ruffle her hair


With the candy he gave her melting in her mouth. Lizette felt his rare tenderness; it felt like she was on cloud nine. Then she looked up

It’s very sweet” 

Remington seemned pleased with her reply, his face softened as he bent down to look her in the eyes 

Sull mad?” 

Lizetta’s nose tingled, but she couldn’t help but smile genuinely

Her cheeks flushed a little as she shook her head and said stubbornly, I told you that I’m not mad anymore.” 

Remington chuckled, clearly seeing right through her; he was now convinced that she was truly over the incident of falling into the water

With a mix of exasperation and amusement, he tapped Lizetta on the head

Such a nohoper, other women would demand gifts, cars, jewels, houses when they’re mad. Why are you still as easy to please as when you were a kid, all happy with just a candy?” 

Lizetta, still with the orange candy in her mouth, took the remaining candies from Remington’s palm and said with pursed lips, I just love candy, it’s sweet.” 

She turned around, but Remington reached out with a laugh

Let me taste how sweet it is, how could it be better than a bank card or jewels.” 

But Lizetta clenched her fist, stuffing the candies into her pocket and guarding them, You found the candies yourself, and you can get more if you want. These are mine now.” 

The woman guarding her candies was like a cat protecting its food, or like a child


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