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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 205

Chapter 205 

Remington’s eyes landed on the bank card being passed to him, and for a moment, they 

froze over

The dude didn’t take the card; he just looked up, locking eyes with Lizetta

So you hit me up today just to give me this?” 

His voice was laced with suppressed rage

He had spent the whole trip wondering that maybe she had a change of heart, and didn’t want to make a scene anymore

Or perhaps she had a rough patch outside, ran into some trouble, and needed to lean on him

He even toyed with the thought that maybe she just missed him

All revved up with anticipation, he’d urged Cedric to step on it, but what he didn’t see coming was her showing up to drop a cool thirty mil on him, and with another guy, no less

She sure knew how to drop a bombshell now, didn’t she

The guy was freezing cold, but Lizetta didn’t flinch a bit

All she wanted was to get out of there pronto, not keen on seeing Remington and Shirley even for a second more

Yeah, the agreed three million, to the last dime. Take it, will ya?she rushed him, and seeing Remington wouldn’t take it, she tried to stuff it into his hand

But Remington didn’t bite; instead, he pulled his hand back as if she was offering him a death warrant instead of a hefty sum

Lizetta frowned, What’s your deal?” 

Remington fired back with a chilly voice, Lizetta, haven’t I made it clear? I don’t just grab any dirty money that comes my way.” 

His gaze pointedly swept over Hogan, who was standing behind Lizetta

The message was crystal: thought Lizetta got the cash from Hogan

Lizetta’s pale face flushed red with humiliation and anger

She had sold years of her creative work, and had toiled from dawn to dusk to earn this money fair and square just to pay back Remington and the Dashiell family

She was done being looked down on, done being the Dashiell family’s charity case, and certainly done with people like Shirley thinking they could walk all over her


But here was Remington, trivializing her struggles and efforts, not even bothering to ask or check, just assuming her money was dirty

Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes as she glared at Remington, This three million, every penny is hardearned by mel I’ve got records of every transaction, clear as day. Seet for yourself.” 

Lizetta pulled out a ledger from her bag, and pushed it along with the card toward Remington

Remington’s face was a picture of disgust, but he still didn’t take it; he was frozen solid

Lizetta, in a fit of pique, threw it at him, Remington, we’re square now!” 

The ledger hit him right in the chest, the bank card flying up and smacking his proud and icy face before they both landed at his feet

Remington’s expression was stormy; he closed his eyes, radiating malice

Shirley stared at Lizetta in disbelief, Lizetta, have you lost your mind? How dare you throw stuff at Remi!” 


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