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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 226

Chapter 226 

Lizetta was eyeballing Shirley, but she didn’t notice Remington at her side also casting a glance her way, his expression unusually tinged with surprise

Shirley, meanwhile, was frowning and grinding her teeth as she stared at Lizetta, her face a mix of sarcasm and astonishment

The way Lizetta asked the question, it was as if she had zero clue about the whole thing. No way, Lizetta had to be faking it

Shirley let out a scoff, dripping with sarcasm: Cut the act, will ya? Hogan’s the new hotshot in Zion City. Four years back, Hogan got into a car wreck, ended up 

his legs

all messed up. Mrs. White came knocking at the Dashiell family’s door, wanted to set you up with Hogan. You’re telling me you didn’t drug Remi to dodge that bullet?” 

Enough!Remington’s voice cut through, heavy and firm, as he signaled his bodyguards to step forward

As the bodyguards dragged Shirley towards the villa, Remington wrapped an arm around Lizetta’s shoulder and said, Since you don’t need her apology, let’s bounce.” 

Lizetta’s mind was a hot mess. Frowning, she followed Remington out on autopilot

Back in the living room, Shirley, being hauled away by the bodyguards, was freaking out, yelling at the top of her lungs

Remi, you gonna keep me locked up? Don’t leave me! Lizetta, come back! Isn’t my apology enough? Let go of me! How long do you plan to keep me here? Trying to starve me to death or what? Even if you lock me up, at least feed me, for heaven’s sake!” 

One of the bodyguards sat Shirley down on the couch and dryly asked, Ms. Shirley, your want something to eat?” 

No kidding. I’ve been starving for a whole day and night, I’m dizzy and seeing stars! If you still recognize me as Ms. Shirley, then show some respect. Even if Remi’s mad and wants to punish me, he’s just grounding me for some reflection. He’ll let me out eventually. I want an exquisite meal. Go get it now!” 

Shirley rattled off a list of dishes from several different joints, ordering the bodyguards to fetch them

The bodyguard gave a thin smile. Ms. Shirley, please hold on.” 

After they left, Shirley sat there with her legs crossed, shaking her foot, clutching her growling stomach

So what if Remington had her cooped up? She was the only heiress among the Dashiell 



Chapter 226 

grandkids, what did Lizetta count for

She didn’t buy for a second that Remi would really do anything to her over Lizetta

The bodyguards were just scared something might happen to her, prepared to cater to her needs. And Remi, after hearing all those nasty things from Lizetta, must be giving her a piece of his mind right now, and would surely come to let Shirley out soon

However, just as Shirley was daydreaming about the feast and drooling over it, the two bodyguards came back in

They set down ten bottles of fiery red liquid in front of Shirley and said, Ms. Shirley, here’s the drink Mr. Remington has prepared for you. He says you gotta finish these today, or don’t even think about leaving this place.” 

What the heck is this?Shirley shot up, staring at the ten bottles of liquid, her face turning pale

If she wasn’t seeing things, that looked like… 

Pure chili water,came the bodyguard’s confirmation of Shirley’s guess

Has Remi lost his mind? I’ll get a stomach ulcer if I drink these!she protested

She’d been starved for a whole day and night, her stomach empty. Ten bottles of chili water would do her in, wouldn’t they

Mr. Remington says you’ll learn what it’s like to speak without thinking once you’ve had these. Don’t worry, Ms. Shirley, the ambulance will be here any minute. Do you want to drink it yourself, or do you need us to assist you?” 

I don’t want it!Shirley’s face went white with fear, and she tried to run but was caught by a bodyguard and pushed back onto the sofa

The other bodyguard approached with the first bottle of chili water

One held Shirley down, the other pried open her mouth and poured the chili water down 


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