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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246 

Pfft, my cooking? Is that really all there is to 117 Remington said icily

He never expected that the answer that formented him and kept him from a peaceful sleep would turn out to be just this

In the end, it was all just his own wishful thinking

Lizetta felt awful inside. She had no clue what he was trying to achieve by pressing her for answers

Was she supposed to tell him that her emotional breakdown and tears were because she loved him, because she was too attached to 


She didn’t want to be the butt of his jokes once again

They were on the brink of divorce, what was the point of talking about love now

It would only make her look more embarrassed, more pitiful and laughable

Yeah!Lizetta frowned, clearly showing her impatience

Remington’s handsome face turned frosty. He wanted to say something more, but the sound of hurried and disordered footsteps echoed down the hallway 

It was Hanna and Nathan, rushing over with two servants in tow

It was only this morning that the servants realized Joseph wasn’t at home, causing the household to turn upside down

Right on cue, Remington’s phone rang with a call concerning Joseph

Hanna, frantic with worry, stormed over and glared at Lizetta as if she were an enemy who had wronged her child

Lizetta, isn’t it enough that you’ve cost me one son! Are you trying to harm Joseph too? In this freezing weather, don’t you know Joseph can’t handle it? You made him go out in the middle of the night to look for you, what on earth were you thinking?” 

Lizetta took the verbal lashing without showing much reaction, her head bowed in silence

No matter what she said, Hanna would blame her for this incident anyway

And Lizetta did feel a bit guilty, after all, Joseph had indeed sneaked out because of her, and she felt troubled about the little guy’s state. But Remington slightly furrowed his brows, shifting his stance to shield Lizetta behind him, and said coldly

Do you have any idea why Joseph ran out?” 

How should I know! It must be Lizetta, she-” 

Hanna was cut off midsentence by Remington, He ran out after overhearing you and Hilary talking about Liz and my divorce. It has nothing to do with anyone else.” 

Hanna’s face soured, So you’re saying it’s all my fault now

She was livid, and Nathan spoke up with a stern voice

Enough. What’s the use in pointing fingers now? Everyone just quiet down and wait for the doctor’s assessment.” 

He then turned to Remington with a harsh tone, And you, watch how you speak to your mother!” 

Seeing this, Lizetta didn’t want to stay any longer

I need some air,she murmured softly

She turned and headed toward the direction of the elevator. Remington turned to follow but was stopped by Nathan asking about the symptoms Joseph had before being admitted

By the time Remington looked back, Lizetta’s figure was nowhere to be seen

Lizetta found herself in the downstairs garden, sitting on a bench, her hand resting on her abdomen

She wasn’t sure if the baby inside could help in treating Joseph but had already decided

No matter what, when it was time to give birth abroad, she’d have the doctors secretly do a compatibility test


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