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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

Evelina’s bun in the oven is super important, and it can’t be messed up. I’ll admit I jumped the gun today and gave you a hard time without getting the facts straight, but” 

Lizetta froze, and then everything before her eyes blurred

He said Evelina’s kid was important

What a joke, turns out it’s not that he didn’t want kids; it’s just that he just didn’t want to have them with her, his wife

Before he dropped that bomb, she’d been in denial; she couldn’t believe that Remington would cheat on her, and that he could be so cruel

But now, the ugly truth was staring her in the face

Lizetta’s breathing was painfully tight; she nearly screamed as she cut him off

Remington, why do you have to be such a jerk!” 

On the other end of the phone, the man’s breath hitched, and then his voice went cold

Lizetta, enough’s enough, quit your games and come home. I’ve told you a gazillion times that teaching dance ain’t your thing!” 

When Evelina popped up at the age of six and took everything from Lizetta, it was just a cruel twist of fate; Lizetta couldn’t blame anyone

Now, Evelina was about to take everything all over again, and Lizetta sadly realized that she was still as powerless and small as she was when she was a kid

Because the Dashiell family was never really her home

Even these two years with Remington, they were just a fluke; they seemed to be two years

she’d stolen

She laughed bitterly, Go home? Do I even have a home?” 

That’s rich! Looks like I’ve been spoiling you rotten and letting you get all cocky!” 

Listening to the anger in the man’s voice, Lizetta felt bonetired

Spoiling me? Evelina’s already pregnant, where’s my place in all this? Let’s get a divorce, so you can go back to her, make a happy family of three, and get things back on track; just stop wasting your precious time on me, how’s that?” 

Four years ago, the two families had been talking marriage, and Evelina had chased after Remington like there was no tomorrow

Everyone had them pegged as an item, but then came the scandal of Lizetta climbing into her brother’s bed, and everything screeched to a halt



Heartbroken, Evelina went abroad and hadn’t come back for four years, and Remington blamed Lizetta every single day

Now she was ready to step aside, giving him back to Evelina and her kid, but why the heck wouldn’t Remington just let her go

The man’s sneer came through the phone, Mrs. Dashiell, aren’t you the generous saint! If you knew you were holding me back, you shouldn’t have done what you did four years ago!” 

Lizetta swayed, I regret it; I’ve told you I regret it!” 

Regret? That’s worth something only if I forgive you, and if I don’t, your regret ain’t worth a dime! Get back here on the double, and I want to see you at Oakridge Heights tonight!” 

The call ended

Lizetta clutched her phone; her knuckles turned white as if they were about to snap

She wasn’t going back

If Remington had cut her off one path, there were others to take

But after getting rejected by several dance companies, and not having any luck with opera or ballet troupes, Lizetta was left in the lurch as the evening darkened, and her injured foot began to bleed again. She sat on the curb, all hungry, thirsty, and exhausted

Then the light dimmed, and Lizetta looked up

Under the tree, a familiar Bentley slowly pulled up; Cedric got out and opened the back door

In the back seat, a man in a threepiece tailored suit sat with his legs crossed; his posture was relaxed, looking distinguished and as perfectly matched to the luxurious car as could 

  1. be

Next to him was a big cake box, and on his lap was a red velvet jewelry box


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