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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Lizetta felt a hit on the back of her head and stopped in her tracks. Whirling around, she crossed her arms and looked at Evelina

Don’t forget! It was you who invited me. You love comparisons and outshining others so much, I was just being kind, satisfying that whim of yours. Why are you fury? Is it because you are ugly, so that you are justified?” 

Evelina was fuming, ready to blow a gasket. She stormed up to Lizetta, raising hand to strike

But Lizetta was quick on the draw. She firmly grabbed Evelina’s hand

Enough, Evelina!” 

Evelina snorted with contempt. So, what if you’ve attracted all the attention? Remi still danced with me, didn’t he? Lizetta, don’t you forget, without the Hawthorne family, without me, you’d be nothing but a street rat from the slums, with no chance of rubbing elbows with someone like Remi. Oh, and you showing up in that dress left by my grandma? Don’t you find yourself ridiculous? Is that your grandma or mine? Clearly, it’s mine

Without my grandma’s nostalgic affections, would Fiona cherish you? Would the Dashiell family have taken you in? Without my granny, you’d be a big fat nothing!” 

Evelina shouted with suppressed anger. Lizetta clenched her teeth, her body trembling slightly

If thinking that way 

way makes you feel superior, then go right ahead,Lizetta said coolly, shaking off Evelina’s grip

Lizetta turned to leave again, but Evelina couldn’t stand her aloof and disdainful attitude

What gave Lizetta the right

Evelina grabbed Lizetta again, You stole my life and became Mrs. Dashiell. I’m just asking you to give it back, what’s wrong with that? Remi never loved you; he’s always loved me!” 

Evelina was like a madwoman, relentlessly pestering

The night air was chilly, and Lizetta felt a cold shiver

She flung Evelina away, I already said, think whatever you want, but let go! Do you want everyone to come out and watch this farce?” 

Evelina cooled down a bit upon hearing that

Lizetta pulled her hand back and sighed in relief, but then Evelina spoke again

It’s not that I want to think this way, but that Remi truly loves me more, Lizetta, do you dare to verify that? Because I do!” 

Lizetta was still puzzled by Evelina’s meaning when suddenly Evelina let out a yell and lunged toward her

Lizetta stumbled, and with a couple of splashes, both women fell into the pool nearby

Unprepared for the fall, Lizetta swallowed some water and felt a cramp in her call

As she calmed herself intending to swim upward, she felt a weight around her waist Evelina was clinging tightly to her in the water, dragging her down

Lizetta had never imagined Evelina could go this crazy

Holding her breath, she 

in her chest grew scacked and pulled, but couldn’t shake Evelina off. Bubbles escaped her mouth as the air 

This wouldn’t do. Lizetta clenched her fist and struck Evelina on the head

That’s when Evelina let go


Chapter 61 

Survival instinct made Lizetta kick Evelina away, swimming in the opposite direction, afraid of being entangled again. She didn’t see that, as Evelina sank, an agile figure was swimming towards them

As Lizetta turned her head again due to a cramp in her calf, she saw Remington holding Evelina, swimming towards the light above the pool

Lizetta felt a sharp pain in her chest, unable to determine if it was from severe lack of oxygen or something else

Struggling to swim upward, her legs cramping, she panicked and swallowed water again

Losing control, Lizetta sank deeper into the cold, dark depths

The water was freezing, overwhelming

With her eyes open, she could no longer see Remington or Evelina

Left alone, she faced death in solitude

Lizetta gave up the fight, tears rolling from the corners of her eyes as she closed them


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