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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 

Remington just gave her a smile with a hooked lip. No worries.” 

The man, slightly tipsy, had that extra bit of a roguish charm compared to his usual cool and lofty demeanor

His shirt collar was unbuttoned at the top, revealing a collarbone hidden in the dim light, which glowed with a blush; it was deadly sexy

The room was buzzing with teasing: Evelina blushed, and her eyes on him were brimming with tender affection, oozing charm like nobody’s business

Lizetta suddenly felt that winning was so overrated, and her eyes burned a tad

Got into a spat with Remi? Come on, Lucian will show him who’s boss.” 

Lucian chimed in; standing up and pulling Lizetta to her feet, she announced loudly

I’m done here, I’m gonna take Litchi for a spin on the dance floor.” 

Lizetta followed him, and the two quickly left the private room

Once Lizetta was gone, Lulu perked up

She hadn’t won a single game; didn’t she have any pride? Thumping her leg, she shook the dice cup and rolled a couple of fours before she prodded Evelina

“Hurry it up. Ms. Hawthorne, your turn.” 

Next to her, Remington had been giving off a frosty vibe ever since Lizetta left

Evelina, distracted, made a careless throw

Ahaha, I won, I won, drink up!” 

Lulu shoved a glass into Evelina’s hand, who turned to pass it to Remington, Remi.” 

But Remington wouldn’t even glance at her, and he said coldly

Heh, you think I’m some kind of drink buddy?” 

He only takes drinks from his wife, what’s this dirty, stinky stuff got to do with him

He stood up and strode off

Evelina froze, and Remington’s tall figure was already a few steps away

Evelina wanted to follow, but Lulu leaped onto her legs, hugging them in a drunkeh rage

You can’t go! Ms. Hawthorne, how can you bail on your tab, drink up!” 

Let go!Evelina shook her off angrily

Why are you being such a pain, I know, you were being sneaky with the questions earlier too, I knew it!” 

Everyone in the room watched, but their expressions were varied

Evelina felt as exposed as if she’d been stripped bare, wishing she could kick Lulu to the curb and slap her twice. for good measure

She couldn’t back down, nor could she handle her liquor, with her eyes reddened, she looked pleadingly at Cassius

Thinking about how Sterling family and the Hawthorne family were old family friends, Cassius looked rather conflicted



Chapter 72 

He always thought Evelina was innocent and viewed her as someone to be pitled, as she have had her life stolen and have endured so much hardship as a child, and then her marriage prospects were snatched away

But today. Lizetta’s question seemed to reveal a different side of Evelina

Still, he came over, picked up the glass and drank for Evelina

Frank came over with a dark face, pulled Lulu off and dumped her on the couch, asking Evelina with concern

You okay?” 

Evelina ignored him and hurried after Remington

After they left, the private room lost its buzz, and everyone quickly followed suit

Just as they left, someone leaning on the secondfloor railing, with his eyes bulging, looked down at the dance floor and exclaimed in shock

Holy smokes! That’s freaking amazing!” 

Timothy and the others looked too, only to see, on the dance floor’s oval stage, usually a wild party, today a solo


The woman, in Tshirt and jeans, was dressed like an average college student, not a bit of skin showing

But on stage, she twisted and swayed; every move of her was graceful and seductive, and every strand of her hair seemed to dance; her glances and turns were enchanting, full of allure

Legs lifted, hips sent, bending over, hair flung, fluid as water yet with an edgy swing, bewitching to the core, a contradictory mix of sultry and pure

No wonder once she hit the stage, it was hers alone, and everyone else seemed to vanish in embarrassment. 

It was Lizetta

Five minutes ago, Lucian had dragged her onto the dance floor, close to the stage, then suddenly leaned in and 

shouted in her ear

Remember what teacher Yvonne said? The stage is yours as soon as you step on it! Go for it.” 


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