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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 464

Chapter 464: Mr. Murillo Makes an Impressive Entrance

Cheyenne ran out of the villa, her high heels hitting the asphalt road with varying depth and rhythm.

The coastal highway was deserted, and between the blue sky, the vast sea, and the road lay Cheyenne's slender figure, accompanied by her long red dress and flowing chestnut hair, dancing in the air and highlighting her petite stature.

"Stop!" shouted a few black-robed figures chasing after her, brandishing wooden sticks and other objects.

As they got closer, Cheyenne exerted all her strength, kicking off her high heels and running barefoot.

Buzzing sounds came from ahead as a motorcycle approached, blasting popular DJ electronic music into the wilderness.

Cheyenne turned her head towards the sound and saw Gordon, wearing a blue police uniform, riding a black motorcycle. He resembled a graceful leopard running across the plains, lightning-fast and agile.

As the motorcycle passed by her side, Gordon suddenly leaned and tilted the bike at a height of less than ten centimeters above the ground, executing a 180-degree turn.

The intense friction between the tires and the ground created a burst of silver-white sparks, accompanied by the odor of burning rubber.

Cheyenne halted in her tracks, stopping in place.

Behind her, the group of black-clothed pursuers raised their wooden sticks and swung them at Gordon, who was seated on the motorcycle.

"Be careful!" she exclaimed, her voice carried away by the murky ocean breeze as it irritated her throat, causing her voice to become softer. Her bright eyes expressed concern as they fixed upon Gordon.

At the critical moment, the man reached out a tan hand towards her. Cheyenne quickly lifted her feet and took two steps forward, grabbing his hand.

With a slight force from him, she effortlessly landed on the motorcycle's back seat. Her fair, delicate hand tightened around Gordon's waist. "Go to the Todd mansion."

Behind them, the wooden stick aimed at Gordon's head flew toward him. Thanks to Cheyenne's sudden appearance, the stick struck her shoulder without deviation.

She bit her red lip and let out a muffled groan, extending her hand to catch the falling stick mid-air. With a swift motion, she hurled it back towards the black-clothed pursuers.

With the added force of the wind, Cheyenne exerted only eighty percent of her strength, yet the stick had double the impact.

The three black-clothed men were hit in the face, instantly sporting bruised and swollen noses, their blood dripping down. Forced to stop pursuing, they could only watch as the man took Cheyenne away.

Relieved of immediate danger, Cheyenne's mind was still in a daze as she recalled the events of the past two days.

Oh no!

Kelvin was still in the villa.

What should she do?

Davon had lost her, and he would surely take Kelvin as replacement. He couldn't die, could he?

Amidst her thoughts about the villa, Cheyenne hadn't heard a word that Gordon had said to her... until she noticed a familiar black sedan approaching. Her gaze was drawn to it.


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