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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 465

Chapter 465: Thrilling Moment

Tanner had not shown up and no one noticed Iker had been controlled even when the judge in black appeared and took Iker away.

"Take him away!" the leading judge commanded.

The two subordinates in identical black robes behind immediately stepped forward to take him away.

Just as the two were about to grab Iker's arm, he coldly glanced at them and spoke through clenched teeth.

Without a trace of panic on his face, he calmly said, "My legs can't walk, so please bring the chair along with me."

Upon hearing this, the three men were momentarily stunned, followed by a muffled chuckle beneath their masks.

"Hahaha, what a loser! The esteemed General is powerless to resist even being kidnapped, how laughable."

"Indeed, he's about to become a dead man."

"Wouldn't it be a great idea to let him die in a wheelchair?"

"Forget it, how he dies depends on the judgment from above."


As the two men chatted with each other, taking turns mocking Iker, they noticed his unusually grim expression and their laughter intensified.

Soon enough, Iker was roughly shoved into a spacious and comfortable SUV. The wheelchair was carelessly thrown into the trunk as they drove away from the Todd mansion.

Thalia stood by the window, pulling back the heavy curtains to witness everything, her delicate lips curved in satisfaction.

From today onwards, the entire Todd family would belong to her and her son. Hahaha!

On the other hand, Iker, seated in the car, watched as the scenery outside rapidly changed. The distance from the Todd mansion grew farther, and the tall skyscrapers lining the streets transformed into humble small houses.

In this remote suburb, there stood Akloit's most historic and bustling bridge, the Sakura Bridge. Even during broad daylight, the bridge, with its silver glow and cherry blossom shape, could be seen. Stretching approximately three kilometers and featuring seven exits, it was easy to get lost here, even with navigation.

During its construction, a staggering 800 million was invested, making it a symbol of Akloit's former glory.

However, with the changes in the commercial center, it eventually became part of the old town, and the bridge lost its former prosperity.

Solitarily spanning between the city and the sea, connecting Shedale, it was hailed as the finest masterpiece in bridge architecture.

It was worth mentioning that the Foley Group undertook the construction of this bridge, with its CEO, Kelvin, as the chief designer.

During his four years in university, he spent the first two at Chulae University, majoring in civil engineering, while the latter two were completed at Metshire, where he pursued a dual doctorate degree in business management.

Although the bridge no longer boasted its former splendor, the daily flow of vehicles passing through remained significant.

Cars raced along the bridge's surface, with just a few meters of width separating them from the deep blue sea.

This was a tributary of the Pacific, and during the summer tide, waves crashed forcefully against the bridge pillars, creating foam reminiscent of Sprite.

However, everyone's attention today was not on the waves but on a few figures on the bridge surface.

The drivers couldn't help but slow down and roll down their windows for a better look.

They saw a multi-million-dollar luxury car, a Maybach, engulfed in flames, hurtling toward the guardrail and the sea.

Facing the burning luxury car on the iron bridge directly to the north, a man dressed in a dark suit was bound to a silver wheelchair, unable to move.

Danger gradually approached, and the distance between the flames and the man grew shorter... The immense flames engulfed him.

"Oh my god! Look... look, why is that car on fire!"

"Damn it, call 911!"


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