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Still Wanna Escape After Stealing My Heart? novel Chapter 136

There were about twenty to thirty men in the room, but Sabrina only recognized Nigel and Zayn.

The rest of them either had their hair dyed in colors that were so vivid and bright that it hurt the eyes, had piercings everywhere on their bodies, or were casually smoking cigarettes.

Now noticing that someone had entered the room, they stared at Sabrina intently, not unlike a hunter observing his prey.

Still, Sabrina struggled to make out a single face she knew out of all of them.

In the same room, sitting opposite all the men were three women.

These three women were dressed in very revealing and racy clothing. All they had on were singleshoulder tops and extremely short mini-skirts.

As Sabrina looked around the room and studied the people in it, she felt like this situation was a lot worse than that time on the cruise.

Without hesitation, she turned around to leave.

However, when she tried to take the first step, one of the girls called out to her. "Vo, are you another colleague? Come in quickly. Look at you, aren't you dressed way too modestly? You can't wear so much at a place like this."

Sablina immediately turned red and cried out, "I'm no colleague of yours!"

"Huh, Young Master Nigel didn’t introduce you like that. He said your social skills were great and that you could accommodate anyone. He said you could play around with four to five guys at once, regardless of age or size. How many did you say, Young Master Nigel?" asked one of the women who was sitting next to Nigel.

Nigel pulled the girl towards him and sat her on his lap while rolling his eyes. "Let me try and recall, I think it was four, that's right, four!"

As he said that, Nigel glanced over at Zayn who was sitting in the corner, "Zayn, why don't I let this country girl provide the service today? However, you’ll need to beat out the other four first."

Zayn didn't know what to make of what Nigel had just said.

He was Nigel’s closest friend, and was like a brother to him. As such, he would regularly go out to drink and have fun with Nigel.

Yet, Zayn could not bear to watch the events that were unfolding in that room now, as he knew that there was no way Sabrina could beat the professional girls i n front of them at their own game.

He could only look over at Sabrina.

She had turned extremely pale from hearing what Nigel had said. It was so terrifying that Zayn even got shocked just from seeing the state of her face. He was scared but sympathetic, and so raised his hand to stop Nigel. He said in a low voice, "Nigel, you've gone too far! That little lady never offended you."


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