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Still Wanna Escape After Stealing My Heart? novel Chapter 363

After looking around in the office, Ruth had found a pair of cotton trousers that were meant for winter-use as a temporary replacement.

On the other hand, Sabrina was wearing pants that were made out of a very thin fabric.

In other words, if Sabrina had been the one who sat on the broken chair, she could have very well been dead b y now.

"Sabrina! You're just a new employee, so how could you do such a vicious thing? Do you know that this is a crime, and can be considered as malicious harm?!" the manager of the Human Resources Department scolded as they stood outside the emergency room.

Sabrina replied with a soft voice, "I'm just a newcomer who has only been to work for two days, so where could I have gotten such a chair?"

This took the manager by surprise, and left him speechless for a moment.

After a pause, he whispered, "They...all claimed that you were the one who pushed this chair over to Miss Mann."

"Yeah! And where did I push this chair from?"

"Where? From your own desk! That should have been your own chair! Sabrina! Don't try to fool me with your

tricks, go explain yourself to the police!" Sabrina's ambiguous attitude towards the issue had started to make him furious again, so much so that he wanted to hit someone.

Sabrina suddenly replied with a smile, "Manager, are you trying to tell me that you yourself assigned a new employee like me this broken chair that could have killed me? You did not hire me here to work, but was plotting to murder me deliberately? Are you implying that once I saw through your trickery, I decided to pass the misfortune onto Ruth?"

The manager didn't know how to react.

As he tried to gather his thoughts, he asked angrily," What the hell is going on?!"

Sabrina sneered back at him, "You can watch the CCTV recording for yourself!"

With that, she turned back and left.


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