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Sweet Marriage: Can't Love You Too Much novel Chapter 2

Standing behind Sylvia, Shaun Jennings roared in anger. "You b*tch! What did you say?"

Nell sneered. "Just the truth.”

She really did not expect that the woman who was with Jason would be Celine.

Originally, she had just thought that Jason had betrayed her. She only acted the way she did in a fit of anger to make Jason make a fool of himself to relieve her resentment.

Unexpectedly, not only did her fiance cheat on her, the person he cheated on her with was her own half-sister!

What a joke!


The old lady was so furious that she raised her cane to smash it down on Nell, but Sally Youngs quickly stopped her.

"Mom, let’s talk civilly. Don't be angry. You'll destroy your health."

Then, she turned to Nell. "Nell, you shouldn't make your grandmother angry. Celine is at fault here, so you can beat up or yell at her all you want later, but your grandma is already old. Listen to me and don't talk back to her, okay?"

If a passerby saw Sally's gentle and considerate expression without knowing who she was, they would have thought that she truly was kind.

Nell's lips hooked up in a sarcastic smile.

When her father Shaun saw her expression, he became even more furious.

"Are you feeling good about yourself now? You got your sister and your fiance into the police station, and completely humiliated the Jennings family. Do you even remember what your last name is?

"Your sister is a celebrity. How is she supposed to behave in public after you made such a fuss today? Will she be continuing in the entertainment industry? What will happen to the relationship between the Jennings and the Morton family from now on? Have you even thought about that?"

Nell looked at him coldly. "Is that all you can think of?"

Shaun stilled.

"They are the ones in the wrong, so why are you here blaming me? What did you expect me to do? Turn a blind eye and pretend I didn’t see anything? Maybe you would have preferred if I wished them a long and happy life together?"

Shaun was lost for words for the first time. Then, his jaw clenched in outrage. "You can't even keep your own man, yet you're blaming others for stealing him? I f you were any good at all, would he have dumped you for your sister? You don't reflect on yourself when something happens and instead blame everyone else. What difference is there between that worthless mother of yours and you?!”

Nell shook violently.

At her father's harsh words, she stared at him in disbelief.

Five years ago, Shaun had an affair and took Sally and Celine into the family. Only then did Nell find out that she had a sister who was five years younger than herself.

Her mother could not take the shock and drove her car into the river, killing herself.

Fearing that Nell would raise a stink, the Jennings sent her abroad and washed their hands clean of her.

In those years, if not for the small inheritance that her mother left her, she would have died while she was abroad.

She always knew that her father and grandmother did not like her mother, but she did not think that her mother would suffer such vilification even after death.

Her entire heart and body went cold for a moment. Then, she gave a mocking laugh.

"Yes, I’m useless! After all, I don't have a mom who's used to being a mistress, so I didn't inherit the ability t 0 seduce men. Celine Jennings truly surpassed her master. My eyes are open to a whole new world."

To the side, Sally's face instantly lost all color.

Shaun bellowed furiously. "What did you say?"

"You know exactly what I said!"


"That's enough!"

Sylvia suddenly shouted. Shaun wanted to say something more, but Sally tugged on his arm from the side.

When they looked up, they saw Thomas Morton lead Jason Morton and Celine Jennings out of the interrogation room at the end of the corridor.

Thomas's expression did not look pleasant at all, and neither did Jason and Celine's.

Celine clung onto Jason's arm, her small face twisted a s if she was enduring all kinds of hardships silently. Her eyes were rimmed red with tears and she looked delicate and pitiful.

The group of people suddenly rushed forward, full of concern. "Celine! Are you alright?"

Celine shook her head and said in a muffled voice," I’m fine."

Then, she looked up and stared at the person standing behind the crowd.


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