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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 111

Having said that, he put down Mia, took her hand, and left the room.

Outside, Hansen and Leo were still waiting.

But she came out safe and sound.

“How'd it go?” asked Hansen.

Mia blinked, “All is well.”

“What did Andre say?” asked Leo.

Mia shook her head, “He didn’t utter a word, nor did he punish me.”

Leo asked again, “What did you say?”

Mia answered, “I told him, I like him.”

Both Leo and Hansen were shocked.

Indeed, pretty people with sweet tongues always had it easy.

Mia returned to the bedroom with her husband. She tentatively asked, “Honey, did you hear what I said just now?”

The man chuckled, feigning confusion, “What was that again?”

Mia guessed he had heard, “Ah, never mind.”

Andre smirked, “Remember your promise. If you misbehave again, I'll really have to punish you.”

“Oh, I got it.”

With Andre's warning, Mia was very obedient in the days that followed.

Every day after school, she would tell him, “Honey, I was a good girl today, I didn’t snack or go to the supermarket.”

Andre would laugh and praise her, “Well done.”

Whenever Andre had a social engagement, he would call Mia in advance and say, “Don’t wait up for dinner tonight. I've got a dinner date.”

“I won’t lock the door then. Drink less and come home early.”

Whenever Andre returned home from his social engagements, Mia in bed would already be asleep, but there was always a light left on in the bedroom for him.

Before she knew it, Mia had been in school for over a month. She had come to think of the Cedillo Mansion as her home, and no longer felt the sense of rejection.

After living here for a while, she found that everyone in the Cedillo family was quite lovable.

She used to think that Hansen was serious and old-fashioned, but she later discovered that Hansen was actually a playful old man. His mentality was like that of a child. She often sat down with him to play cards, snack, and gossip.

Leo used to be a bully at home, but since Andre and she moved into the Cedillo Mansion, he had become a well-behaved lamb.

Naomi was simple and straightforward and treated everyone with sincerity. Since the misunderstanding between her and Mia had been cleared up, Naomi and she had got on better and better. She even regarded Mia as her own daughter. She often said, “Mia, if you weren’t Andre's wife, I'd want to adopt you as my daughter.” Upon hearing that, Andre immediately took Mia away.

Bruce Cedillo spoke little. Perhaps that was his personality. But he was very indulgent with everyone at home.

Sometimes, when Mia angered Andre, she would hide in Naomi's room for protection. Bruce would go to calm his angry brother.

If Naomi became emotionally upset over something, he would comfort his wife and make her feel better.

When Leo was punished by Andre for doing something wrong, Bruce would tell him, “Serves you right.”

Hansen was stubborn. Whenever he and Andre clashed, Bruce would always mediate.

Of course, Mia's favorite was still her husband.

He would take her to the Majestic Dining Enclave for dinner, accompany her home, give her bags, and hold her every night.

Every day, as soon as she saw Andre, her mood would improve greatly.


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