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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 330

Molly was keeping her mouth shut on the side.

The old professor was also in the dark about what was going on. Ever since Andre showed up, he'd been teaching with his head in the clouds, feeling really on edge.

As soon as the bell rang, the old professor gave Andre a nod. He then grabbed his books and hightailed it out of there.

The students in the class, seeing the man in the front row, didn't dare get up and leave.

When Mia looked up again, her eyes were red. She made a beeline for him and threw her arms around her husband. Andre wrapped one arm around her, "Babe, I'll be with you in class today. Don't sweat it, I've got your back."

With a sob in her voice and her nose all stuffed up, Mia gave a heavy "Mmm-hmm."

Andre handed his wife's empty water cup to Leo. He gestured to the water room outside, and Leo was off like a shot to fetch water.

On the side, Molly said, "Andre, you got Mia all choked up."

Andre told Molly, "From now on, you have to let me know if anything happens to Mia at school. If anyone says another nasty word, give me their name, class, and student ID."

Molly nodded seriously, "Don't worry, I've got this."

Those who had been warned by Andre on the sly got all clammed up, and their hearts were pounding.

Two classes done and two more to go. They switched classrooms, and Mia got up, with Andre holding all her books.

His phone rang, and Andre answered it with one hand while still keeping his arm around his wife with the other.

Seeing this, Leo quietly took the books, freeing up Andre to hold his wife.

Some people were curious about Molly's identity. Wasn't she originally Jade Byrne? Why did she change her name to Molly? She was calling Andre brother. What the heck was going on?

Andre deliberately didn't drive his car. He held his wife's hand and followed the crowd to the next classroom for the upcoming class.

Along the way, people kept stealing glances at Andre, all wondering why he was here.

Andre had a car but didn't drive it. He walked hand in hand with his wife through the campus, making sure everyone saw he was there to accompany her to class.

Two little followers trailed along behind them. Molly, hands in pockets, said to her nephew, who was carrying three books, "I'm going to find a boyfriend just like my brother."

Leo said, "Well, I'm definitely not finding a girlfriend like you or Mia."

Along the way, Andre sorted out some business issues. Alice asked, "Sir, is there a problem at home?"

Andre said, "No, nothing at home. I'm at school with my wife."

After hanging up, Andre accompanied his wife up the stairs.

That day, Andre really did stick by Mia's side the whole time. By midday, the whole school had heard the news.

"I heard during their accounting class, they used financial data from Cedillo Inc. from five years ago, but they actually printed the data wrong. It was Andre who caught it and corrected it. Hilarious."

"Seriously, I was in that class. The data was wrong, so the final result was wrong. Our teacher had to recalculate the annual net income in front of Andre. You could practically feel the tension."

"Andre really spoils his wife. He said he'd accompany her to class and he really did it."

"I heard Mia's schedule is packed this afternoon. Students in the same class are lucky to be in the same classroom with Andre."

"I feel sorry for the teachers."


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