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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 412

The whole scene was witnessed by Ramey, who was in an alcohol-induced rage. The memories of his brother, who was unjustly killed, were flashing in his mind while the Cedillo family was living a carefree life. Enraged, he stormed into the private dining room of the Cedillo family, hurling insults and curses, even getting physical.

Bruce, however, stepped forward and protected his family. He pushed Ramey to the ground, who ended up crashing into the restaurant’s dishes.

The commotion attracted the attention of the restaurant manager, the police, and Ramey’s clients. The incident was so serious that his clients questioned how they could continue their business with such an unstable person. Consequently, their pending business deal was called off three days later.

Ramey, who was drunk, blamed the Cedillo family for sabotaging his business deal. In his drunken stupor, he drove towards Cedillo Inc. but met with an accident and lost his life.

This incident happened sixteen years ago.

At the request of Ramey’s family, the police investigated whether his death was a result of foul play or heavy drinking.

Andre said, “The last one to have a dispute with him was Bruce, who was also taken away for questioning.”

The autopsy revealed that Ramey had a high level of alcohol in his body, which led to the accident. It was also confirmed that no one had dealt with his car.

This news completely shocked Mia. She gasped, and said, “Why does our family attract such misfortune?”

After a moment, Andre’s intelligent pregnant wife finally understood why her husband emphasized the “last person he saw” and the “last one to have a dispute with him.”

“You mean, Finley suspects that our dad and brother killed his two sons?”

Andre was reluctant to confirm, but he said, “That’s my guess, not necessarily his thoughts.”

He made this presumption after getting some information from Mars.

Mia remained silent for a long time. Just when Andre was about to soothe her to sleep, Mia suddenly said, “Honey, could the kidnapping case sixteen years ago be related to Finley?”

Mia got excited and sat up from the bed. “You really need to look into this, regardless of whether your speculation is correct or not. Considering his hatred for our family, which led the Mastin family to murder Naomi for him, I believe he could be a suspect in the kidnapping case.”

Andre looked at his wife who was getting less sleepy. “Can’t your brain take a break?”

Mia continued, “Also, Molly mentioned a leaf tattoo in her memory. That can’t be a coincidence.”

Andre patted the bedside. “Go to sleep.”

Mia pushed her husband’s chest playfully. “Honey, I think I make a lot of sense. You should check it out.”

Andre said, “It’s too late now. We’ll check tomorrow. You should sleep first.”

“I can’t sleep.” Mia suddenly felt a grumble in her stomach. She pouted.

Andre was worried. His little wife was becoming difficult to coax. He spread his arms. “Come here, lie in my arms. I’ll tell you a bedtime story.”

Mia pouted, rubbed her stomach, ignored Andre, and stuck her tongue out. “I’m hungry from all that thinking.”

Resigned, Andre got up, changed into his pajamas, picked up his wife from the bed, and helped her put on her slippers. “Let’s go.”

“What are we doing?” The pampered pregnant Mia teased her husband.

Andre caressed her belly. “My little kitten Mia is hungry. It’s time to feed her.”


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