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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 555

Andre cradled his son in one arm as he stooped to pick up an envelope, making his way to his wife. With a playful grin, he handed over the envelope to his petite wife, Mia.

Mia accepted it and casually placed it on the coffee table, her attention focused on comforting Hansen, who was still fuming.

"I'll never have eyes for another woman as long as I live. In life, it's her and her alone, and the same goes when I'm six feet under," Hansen ranted.

Mia nodded in agreement, patting Hansen on the back to soothe his temper, "Dad, Mom knows how devoted you are to her, and we do too, even without you saying a word."

Naomi handed a glass of water to her father-in-law, "Dad, take a sip; it'll help you cool down."

Hansen refused the water, turning to his sons with a stern finger, "Bruce and Andre, you two better be as devoted to Naomi and Mia as I am to your mother. I won't tolerate any of that disgusting, immoral behavior!"

Bruce and Andre didn't need their father's reminders; loyalty was a given in their hearts.

"And don’t forget that, Leo," Hansen added.

Leo, tossing his own envelope onto the coffee table, assured, "Grandpa, Jade must've been just pulling your leg."

Hansen's grip on the list of wedding gifts had crumpled it during his earlier fit of rage, sparked by his daughter's antics.

As Hansen's anger subsided, a parade of cars from the Byrne family arrived at the Cedillo residence with wedding gifts...

Meanwhile, Molly was dragged back to her family home by the Byrnes and Chad. During the ride, Mr. and Mrs. Byrne inquired, "What on earth did you do to make your father so angry?"

Molly played innocent, "I simply suggested Dad enroll in a senior's college, you know, for card games, dancing..."

Mr. and Mrs. Byrne exchanged a glance, speechless.

Chad drove with a smirk, glancing every now and then at the girl in the rearview mirror. The angrier Hansen got today, the more delighted he was.

He chose not to scold Molly this time, his lips curving up all the way home.

Upon returning to the Byrne residence, Grandma Aubree and Grandpa Elmer curiously asked their granddaughter, "What happened today that brought you back so suddenly?"

Coleen pointed at her daughter, "She got kicked out by the Cedillos."

Molly pouted, keeping silent.

That afternoon, the Cedillo living room saw a steady stream of strangers.

Some wore white gloves, holding precious jade artifacts and sparkling jewelry.

Others carried safes, opening them on the spot for the Cedillos to inspect the treasures within.

The Byrnes had not skimped on the wedding gifts, filling the Cedillos' living room to the brim.

Hansen stood, his eyes fixated on the bounty that filled the room.

Leo and Mia leaned over the living room railing, one on the step below, the other above. "Damn, Leo, did you notice? The Byrnes are quietly loaded! Look at the dowry for your aunt; they're digging deep for this one."

Leo's curiosity peaked, "How much did Uncle give you for a dowry?"

Andre, cradling his baby in the living room, overheard his nephew, glancing down at his son who was finally dozing off. He stayed silent.

Mia shook her head, "I never saw it. Uncle didn't even show up then."

Back at the Byrne residence, in Molly's bedroom.

Jade was hugging her phone, watching a live stream sent by her friends at the Cedillo home, showcasing a room full of gifts – all part of her dowry.


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