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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 558

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Andre finally made it home, much later than usual, a box in hand. It wasn't his fault, really; the challenge of finding the perfect gift for his beloved wife had taken longer than expected.

In the weeks following her delivery, Andre had made it his mission to keep her spirits high, determined to combat any signs of postpartum blues. Every day, he scoured stores for presents, from high-end designer brands to rare luxury items, sparing no expense to bring joy to his young wife. Jewelry, clothes, handbags, diamonds – you name it, he'd bought it.

Andre had undergone quite the transformation, evolving from a clueless, tough CEO into a man who could distinguish between lipstick shades and brands, all for her happiness. But today, he was at a loss. With his only female assistant tied up with work at Cedillo Corporation, he felt adrift without a woman's insight to guide his gift-giving.

In desperation, he called his wife to ask directly what she wanted. The result? A cold shoulder.

Andre, a business mogul revered in the corporate world, found himself outmatched at home by his wife's commanding presence. Every couple has their spats, but their arguments were unique. Open conflicts could turn into grudges, and grudges into accusations of waning love.

Finally, after seeking help from a "foreign reinforcement," he spent hours searching for the perfect gift before heading home.

When he arrived, the living room was empty, so he headed upstairs. Before seeing them, he could hear the unmistakable sounds of his little Mia and their baby boy, cooing and gurgling.

"Is Daddy a baddie?" Mia asked playfully, using the baby's tiny hands to mimic a nod.

"My little chunk, you've got Daddy's looks. What's so good about resembling a scoundrel?" Mia mused aloud.

Andre, newly dubbed a "scoundrel" by his wife, could only sigh silently.

"You're never to speak ill of Mommy, you hear? Don't inherit your daddy's bad temper, or you'll never find a sweetheart," she warned the baby, who responded with contented gurgles. He was living the dream – no school, no work, just pure love and pampering from the entire family.

Mia often pondered aloud how she'd ended up with a baby so young, given her life plan to build a career before thirty. Yet, here was this little bundle of joy, shaking up all her plans.

As she teased the baby's lips, pretending to withhold feeding, the baby grew increasingly frustrated.

Andre watched the tender scene from the doorway, a silent chuckle escaping him. Little Mia had brought warmth into his life, a true blessing from above.

But the teasing went a bit too far, and soon the baby was crying for real.

"Okay, okay, no more tears, Mommy's here," Mia cooed, quickly nursing the baby to calm him down.

Holding her little one, she couldn't help but blame his temperament on Andre. "You got that from your daddy," she said, casting aspersions on her absent husband while praising her own supposedly angelic patience.

Just as she was berating Andre behind his back, he appeared, catching her mid-critique and leaving her speechless. Had he been floating? His footsteps had been as silent as a ghost.

Andre, having caught Mia in the act of slandering him, approached with a smile. "I've been back for a little while," he confessed.

The room went silent. Was he implying he'd heard all her bitter words?


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