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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 568

Two minutes later, Molly couldn't help herself and dialed Andre. "Hey Andre, I'm really home this time. Your little guy is perched right above me, giving me the stink eye."

As she spoke, her eyes met with her nephew's. Extending her arm, she handed her phone to the little munchkin, "C'mon, give your dad a 'ga-ga' or something. You can make those sounds, can't you? Help your auntie out here."

The little guy blinked, staring at his aunt like she was from another planet.

Molly gave up and brought the phone back to her ear, "Your son won't give me the time of day. Your wife's right here with me."

Mia poured her a glass of water and handed it over, "Weren't you supposed to be running off to see Chad? How'd you get back so fast?"

After hanging up, Molly confessed, "Andre didn’t think it was a good idea for me to go."

Mia frowned, "Have you lost your marbles? Why didn't you just sneak out?"

Molly glanced at the call duration on her phone, "Have you lost yours? I didn’t end the call."

The awkward silence followed.

In the CEO's office at Cedillo Inc., Andre leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips as he listened to his little wife's chatter.

Having finished her water and feeling a bit more like herself, Molly sat up straight on the couch.

Henry, her nephew, tracked every move she made.

Only when he was sure his aunt was back to normal did the little guy flop back down on the couch, succumbing to boredom once again.

Mia was at her wit's end.

Molly, with a less-than-gentle touch, scooped up the chubby bundle of joy from the couch and showered his face with kisses. "My dear nephew is simply the cutest little guy in the world. Auntie's going to give you another smooch."

Defenseless Henry could only accept his fate.

"Mia, I've made up my mind. I’m going to marry Chad."

"Weren't you already set on that?" Mia replied, eyeing Molly's phone, "Did you hang up this time?"

Molly nodded, "Fear not, I hung up. Freedom of speech." Then she confided to her dearest friend, "I want to get hitched to Chad sooner rather than later."

The little tot, propped up in his aunt's arms, seemed less than thrilled, pouting because he couldn't join in the grown-up conversation.

"Why the rush?" Mia asked as she gratefully passed the baby to someone else and grabbed a fruit platter, finally able to indulge with both hands free.

Molly was smitten with her nephew's doughy cheeks and the sweet scent of baby that clung to him. "Chad did some math for me, and it kind of makes sense."

She reiterated the figures Chad had crunched for her, "I mean, what Chad suggested pretty much checks out."

Mia, always the one to temper her words with a bit of sass, replied, "Well, then there's no issue. It's not like you'd notice if there was."

"What do you mean?"

Mia playfully countered, "Who gets their wedding photos back in two months? You could use that time to house-hunt, book a venue... all that can go on simultaneously. Plus, with the right budget, you could whip up a wedding in a week. What's Chad implying, that the Cedillos are broke, or that your family doesn't have the funds?"

Molly sought wisdom from one who had already walked down the aisle, "Is getting married really that simple?"

Mia reminisced about her own wedding, "Well, it was pretty straightforward for Andre and me."

Molly began to see the light.

Holding the chubby baby, she gently patted his back, "But that doesn't make sense either. If I don't get married, I can't move forward with other plans."

Mia gave her son a meaningful look before turning back to her friend.

Molly, too, glanced at the child in her arms, then locked eyes with Mia. In an instant, she understood the married woman's gaze. She hastened to clarify, "Mia, when I said 'moving forward,' I didn't mean... you know, the whole married couple thing, having babies."


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