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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 569

In the cozy bedroom of the Johnson household, Andy and his wife Mia sat on the edge of their bed, gazing affectionately at their son, who was lazily sprawled out on the plush comforter, his tiny face buried in the fabric.

They watched the little guy intently. Normally, he'd pop his head up at the slightest curiosity, but today, he stubbornly refused to look at them, even after three solid minutes of being under their watchful eyes.

"Come on, little buddy, can you look up for us? You'll get a pancake face lying there like that," Mia coaxed, squatting in front of her son, her voice as gentle as a summer breeze. She never imagined she could be this tender.

But the little one wasn't having any of it. His temper flared, and soon he burst into tears, big droplets rolling down his cheeks.

Mia's heart melted, and she lifted him into her arms to wipe away the tears. "Honey, what do we do?" she asked her husband, her eyes filled with concern.

Andy, observing his son's dramatics, gestured towards the bed. "Just let him be; he'll sort himself out."

But as if sensing his parents' exasperation, the boy's cries grew even louder. Without hesitation, Mia unbuttoned her blouse and began to nurse him. Like magic, the crying ceased.

Andy watched as their son suckled contentedly, his own frustration dissipating. "Honey, the Byrnes are coming over the day after tomorrow. Should we agree to it?" Mia asked, tenderly wiping away a tear from their son's eyelash while she spoke to her husband.

Andy, helping their son out of his tiny socks and grasping his little feet, replied, "Let's follow Dad's lead on this."

As they undressed the little one, Mia mused, "I bet Dad's going to put on a show of reluctance before he agrees. I know him too well."

Andy nodded. With his sister Molly's situation with Chad Byrne, there seemed to be only one way this could go.

"Just don't tell Molly that Dad might agree in the end," he cautioned Mia.

"I'm not foolish," she replied, sharing her strategy. "Dad will want to give the Byrnes a hard time, to test Chad. During this time, I'll stand by our family. I just hope Molly, being directly involved, can see through it all..."

Suddenly, their tranquility was shattered by Molly's screams from outside, "Dad, I was lying! I swear, I'm not pregnant! It was a hypothetical situation!"

Their son, momentarily distracted from nursing, stiffened and listened to the commotion outside.

Exchanging a glance, Andy and Mia quickly adjusted their clothes and headed out to investigate.

Outside, Naomi and Bruce were already intercepting their father, Hansen, who was fuming at Molly, "You dare to be pregnant out of wedlock? I swear I'll..."

Molly, hiding behind her older brother Naomi, was now too scared to utter a word.

"What happened?" Naomi inquired.

Molly explained from the beginning, "I was trying to convince Dad to let me marry Chad. Dad was being stubborn, so I blurted out, 'What if one day I end up pregnant...' Before I could finish, Dad started chasing me."

That evening, as the Johnsons were settling down for the night, another uproar ensued, this time caused by Jade, Andy's sister.

Andy couldn't fathom her reasoning. "You spend all day with Mia, and you haven't picked up a single bit of her smarts."

Mia, somewhat baffled by the compliment from her husband, wondered if that was actually praise.

Later, as the family gathered to discuss Molly's actions, only Mia and Leo, two of the same age, stood apart, whispering conspiratorially.

"Mia, want to make a bet?" Leo asked, his voice barely above a murmur.

Cradling her child, Mia whispered her wager, "I bet a hundred bucks that Molly's just trying to rile up Dad. That kind of low and infuriating tactic isn't her style."


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