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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 583

After a flurry of snapshots, Anya trotted over to Aunt Molly and Uncle Chad with a couple of puffy winter coats in tow. Chad was dressed okay, but Molly was shivering so badly, you'd think chicken skin was back in fashion.

Mia was about to step forward when she suddenly furrowed her brow, a sense of crisis causing her to instinctively shield her son's cherubic cheeks. She turned to survey the park's casual visitors.

The park was alive with the scent of blooming plum blossoms, carrying a subtle fragrance that drew in visitors with cameras eager to capture the beauty.

Mia's eyes narrowed with unusual seriousness and caution. She wrapped her son's face in a small blanket and used her body as a shield, making sure not even his little arms were exposed.

After making a full round of the park and not spotting anything suspicious, she wondered if she was just being paranoid. That sense of being watched had been unmistakable, though.

"Aunt Mia, what are you doing?" Anya asked, running up to her.

Mia's brow was still knotted with concern as she gave the nearby crowd another scan. They continued snapping photos, unfazed by her scrutinizing gaze.

Was she overthinking it?

"Aunt Mia?"

"Oh, it's nothing," Mia replied, trying to reassure herself.

She couldn't decide if she was just being overly anxious or if someone was really spying on them.

To be safe, Mia decided to call her husband to pick them up. But with her son bundled up so thickly, she couldn't manage to free a hand to reach for her phone. "Anya, can you grab my phone from my bag? Call your Uncle Andre, see if he's not too busy. If he's free, maybe he can come pick us up at the park. I'm beat, and Henry's getting sleepy."

Anya obediently responded with an affirmative and proceeded to do as asked.

Andre didn't take long to respond after receiving his wife's call. "Stay put, I'll be there shortly," he said decisively.

Within a quarter of an hour, Andre appeared at the park.

"Mia," he called out to her from a distance.

As he approached, he took their sleeping bundle from Mia's arms. The little one's cheeks were still toasty warm.

"Hon, hold him for a bit, will you? I need to check something out." Mia needed to investigate for peace of mind.

Handing over their child, Mia walked towards the hillside adorned with plum blossoms.

Molly was hugging a paper cup of hot water, complaining, "I'm dragging my comforter here for tomorrow's bridal shoot. I've burnt more calories shivering today than running a marathon."

Upon seeing Andre, she straightened up and behaved herself. "Andre, what brings you here?" she asked.

The photographer, realizing who he was taking wedding photos for, was astounded.

"Andre, the bride is your sister?" he blurted out, amazed to learn the true identity of his clients.

The woman standing behind with the baby was Mrs. Cedillo? And that little tot... was Andre's kid!

Andre gave a slight nod, acknowledging the connection.

"Cold much?" he asked Molly.

Molly, intimidated, shook her head denying any discomfort.

Chad just looked on, bemused.

Andre carried an air of command that mystified everyone, reminiscent of an emperor, demanding respect and instilling an involuntary fear in his subjects.


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