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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 588

Before Chad, her brain would just check out. But when it came to protecting him, she was suddenly a genius.

Leo watched the soft, meek girl before him, his very own Anya, and couldn't help but think she was a delight.

But why did they say he, the "hacker," had a crush on her?

Did he?

No way, that was just Anya's wild imagination.

Yet, Leo couldn't shake the thought from his mind: a crush.

Uncle Andre, ever the stoic guardian, paused before saying, "Let me know how it goes. And thank Anya's friend for me."

"Got it, Uncle."

After dinner, Andre took his son for a walk, while Bruce joined to chat about work.

Out of the blue, the conversation shifted.

"Andre, let me hold Henry for a bit. You carry him every day; it must be tiring," Bruce said, letting his true feelings slip.

Andre looked down at the little bundle snuggled in his arms, as clingy as his mother, a real little kitten. "Big bro, you've had a long day at work too. He's not exactly light. I'll keep holding him."

Bruce insisted, "You're tired from work too. Let's take turns."

And just like that, the sweet-smelling baby was whisked away by his doting uncle.

Bruce held him close, the wrinkles by his eyes deepening with his smile, "Our little treasure is so sweet, so adorable. Uncle loves him to bits."

Meanwhile, Mia and Naomi were video chatting with Molly about her wedding plans.

"Wedding photoshoot tomorrow?" Mia asked, clearly inexperienced with such things.

Over at the Byrne household, Chad came out with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, "Molly, eat less, stay slim, look good on camera," Officer Chad pleaded earnestly.

Lounging on the couch, Molly was resolute, "Not eating."

She then turned to Mia, "Yeah, we've got several themes for the shoot."

Turning back to Chad, she said, "Bro, don’t even try feeding me."

Curious, Mia asked, "What's up, giving up on food?"

"After seeing the wedding photos from yesterday, my face looked puffy, my arms too flabby," Molly complained. "I need to slim down."

Mia agreed, "It's true, you only take wedding photos once. Gotta look your best."

Before long, Grandma Aubree and Grandpa Elmer joined in, concerned about their granddaughter's sudden diet—nothing but sips of water and the occasional nibble of vegetables.

"How will you survive eating so little?" Grandma Aubree remarked.

After the call, Molly saw Chad still trying to coax her into eating with utensils in hand.

"You gotta eat at least three bites; it won't make you fat," he coaxed.

"Not eating," Molly said, pursing her lips.

Coleen had just finished preparing invitations when she came downstairs to find her daughter refusing to eat again. "Molly, if you want to be an ascetic, go to a monastery. At home, you should eat properly."

Molly was undeterred by her mother's scolding. Her eyes, bright and defiant, met Chad's as she shook her head.

In Chad's eyes, she was always the most beautiful, even now with her messy hair and stubborn pout.

Coleen was about to lecture her further when Kendrick quietly pulled his wife aside and reminded her, "Who was it that starved themselves seven pounds lighter just for wedding photos? You went through the same thing."

Coleen remembered her own past, "…but that's why I'm worried. I don't want her making my same mistakes. It's not simple, taking wedding photos. She might faint from low blood sugar."

Kendrick teased, "Making excuses, just like your daughter."

Coleen was at a loss for words.


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