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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 629

Mia stopped dodging. She clenched her fists, slowly lifted her arm, and placed it near the corner of her eye, her knuckles turning white. With a cold smirk aimed at Wesley, she declared, “Let the show begin!”

You've seen women in dresses dancing, and even women in dresses wielding swords, but never before had anyone witnessed a woman in a dress throwing punches. And yet, Mia managed to fight without revealing too much, somehow adding a touch of grace to her movements.

The Cedillo family was stunned, watching as if Mia had the ability to levitate. The image that came to mind when thinking of a roundhouse kick was usually a burly man with hairy legs, attacking his opponent with brute force and no elegance. But when Mia kicked, her movements were swift, her beige dress fluttering through the air, carrying an almost ethereal quality.

Initially, her family worried as she fought back, but soon, everyone in the yard was mesmerized. Wesley, lacking any real skill, flailed about in a rage, his attacks wild and without direction. Mia ducked, leaped, and flipped over him in a smooth motion. If Hansen wasn’t holding his grandson, he might have burst into applause. The little guy was astounded, his eyes wide and unblinking as he watched his mom defend herself, unable to contain his excitement, “Ah-ah-ah!”

Seeing himself outmatched by a woman, Wesley’s anger turned to humiliation, charging at Mia like a mad dog. “Ten minutes up,” the timer, Jiang, announced. Mia puffed her cheeks, her lower lip slightly covering the upper, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. As Wesley charged, Mia spun and kicked, her movements so swift she seemed almost parallel to the ground. Everyone watched without blinking, as she landed perfectly, her dress settling softly around her, Wesley hitting the ground at the same time.

Mia had once again astounded her family with her “personal skills”! Naomi suddenly understood her son’s previous advice, “Mom, in our house, don’t mess with Mia. Looks can be deceiving.” Naomi felt a chill, relieved they were now getting along. Hansen took a step back, reevaluating his daughter-in-law. What he had thought was just a minor scuffle turned out to be professional-level combat! Mess with her, and no one in the family could stand in her way.

The bodyguards, meant to protect, now wondered if their job was to protect Mia or those who crossed her. The servants, peeking from the shadows, decided it was better to offend Mr. Andre than Ms. Mia. Una was in disbelief, “Mr. Andre said Ms. Mia was his little kitten...right?” Everyone shook their heads in unison. A kitten? Far from it!

Henry was the most excited, his newfound voice ringing out, calling for his mom. Mia, hearing her son’s call, was stunned, “Sweetie, did you just call me ‘mama’?” “Mam-mam!” the little guy exclaimed, trying to reach for his mother. Seeing Wesley attempt to rise, Mia swiftly knocked him down again. “Mama! Mama!” the little guy shouted excitedly. His calls left everyone speechless. Leo's cries for his mom under stress were a revelation.

Mia stretched her neck, prepared to keep going for the sake of hearing her son call her “mama.” “Sweetie, let mom handle this,” she assured. “Mama!” the little one cried, almost in tears, wanting to join the fray. The Cedillos were abuzz with excitement, contrasting sharply with a tense atmosphere in an overseas hotel room.

Overseas, the only ones distressed were Old Walker and his son. Andre stood behind Old Walker, casually resting his hands on Walker’s shoulders, “Kidnapping my son, joining forces with Tom, what were you thinking?” Old Walker clenched his teeth, “Any proof that I was involved in your son’s kidnapping?” Andre picked up chopsticks from the table, pressing them against Walker’s throat, his voice chilling, “At my age, I don’t bother with evidence, I follow my instincts.” After a moment of pressure, the chopsticks snapped. Andre scoffed, patting a shaken Walker, “Just kidding.” Walker was visibly shaken, his heart racing. “Since we’re old rivals, I’ll give you two choices. A quick death or a miserable life. Pick one,” Andre said, returning to his seat, leaving Walker in agony. He didn’t want it to come to this, but they targeted his son. Being a father changes a man; you’d do anything for your kids.

Back at the Cedillo’s, the little guy was in tears. The only thing that could comfort him was his fierce, loving dinosaur of a mom. Hansen called out, “Mia, let’s take a break, I can’t calm your son.” Mia then stopped, returning to her gentle motherly duties. “Baby, mama’s here, no more tears.” Panting slightly, she hurried over, and her son immediately sought comfort in her arms.

Holding her son, Mia whispered, “Say ‘mama’ again, and I’ll show you how to stand up for yourself.” Henry, nestled against her, stopped crying, his sobs replaced by a longing for his dad. The bodyguards realized their role was essentially cleanup crew after Mia’s showdowns. Wesley was beaten so bad, he couldn't even get up. A few folks stepped in, tied him up good and tight, and started the interrogation.

Mia was busy comforting her little boy, trying to stop him from crying. Sweat dotted her forehead as she approached Leo, "How did I do?" "A five-minute warm-up, finished everything in ten, but then you had to go and show off for an extra seven minutes just to hear your son call you 'mom'. The guy was a pushover, and you were just toying with him. The outfit didn't help, the skirt was a hassle. All things considered, your fighting skills haven't dulled."

"What about the last time with Tom?" "That brawl was full throttle, you and Tom were evenly matched. But remember, I played the same role for my uncle that day as you did today." Andre had a field day with Tom, not even going all out, but still left Tom with injuries in several places, all within minutes. Mia nodded, "Next target; The Silent Ring at Black Pass. Ultimate goal; to take down your uncle." "Good luck with that, maybe in your next life, you'll pull it off."


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