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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 239

Anna and Nina sat on a bench on the street with dazed expressions.

"Anna, have you got any ideas? I can't think straight right now. All I can think of is buying lottery tickets with this hundred dollars,” said Nina.

Anna pinched Nina's cheeks. “Sounds great. When you win ten thousand dollars, give me half of it and our job here will be done."

"Hehe... If I win ten million, I'll give you five million. With the other five million, I’ll leave right away and bring my mother to the best hospital for her illness. Who would want to stay here and suffer!"

Hearing her casual tone made Anna's heart ache. "Is your mother's condition serious?"

Nina's eyes grew dim for a second. Then, she smiled and assured Anna, "No, her condition is very stable right now. It's already under control. She doesn't have frequent fits anymore.

"Enough about that! Let's discuss how we are supposed to make money.

"The other students have all dispersed. They are all our rivals now. We have to make good use of our precious time and seize every opportunity! Let's discuss our countermeasures.”

Seeing that Nina was not willing to talk about it, Anna did not press on.

"I think we can use our specialization to earn money."

"How so?"

"You see, we are students of advertising design, so why don’t we look for a company to invest in our designs? If we’re lucky, we might even earn a substantial amount from it," Anna explained.

Nina pondered upon it for a while. “We can, but we have limited time. Where will we find a company that wants to buy our designs in such a short amount of time?"

"First, we must find out what kind of advertisements the buyer needs. This method has its risks, but it's an area we are familiar with, so it will surely be less of a hassle than other methods.

"Besides, if we want to win, we have to have a certain advantage when it comes to money. After all, we don’t know how much the others are earning."

Nina nodded. "Alright, let's give it a try. But we can't pool our money together..."

"Dummy, she just said we can’t spend our money together. She never said we can't team up! Even if we d o pool out money together, it’s just two hundred dollars. It's not enough for anything."

Nina chuckled. "That's because you are from a rich family! Of course, it won't be enough for you! Two

hundred dollars is more than enough for me to survive half a month."

Anna showed her a thumbs up. Although she was smiling on the surface, her heart dully ached within her chest.

"Oh, Anna, when we present our designs, we should lower the price. That can increase our chances of selling them. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

After the discussion, Anna and Nina split up. Nina went to look for some small advertisements and noted down the phone number of a few companies that needed creative advertising.

Meanwhile, Anna went online to search if there was a demand for low-cost advertising designs.

They met up again in the afternoon.

Anna pointed out, "We have to start with small advertising companies. The review periods for big companies are simply too long. Smaller advertising companies may just be looking to buy some creative designs and may pay us upfront."

"I've already split out money into smaller bills. If we are thrifty, this will be enough to cover food and public transport," said Nina.

After exchanging the information they had gathered, they started to visit companies one after the other.

However, reality turned out to have much fewer opportunities to offer than they had expected. They had gone to multiple companies, but the moment the employers heard that they had not graduated from university, they were immediately shown the door. They did not even glance at their sample designs. It was already night, yet they were still walking around empty-handed.

The contacts that Anna reached out to online were all hopeless as well. None of them replied.


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