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Take Control of Yourself, Please novel (Anna and Liam) novel Chapter 240

Ethan Collins...

Anna gazed at his charming face. For some unknown reason, Anna felt that she had seen him before. "Your last name is Collins too?"

Ethan chuckled. "Have we met before?"

"No! Not at all." Anna hurriedly shook her head.

Anna could not remember ever meeting a prince as gentle and as cultured as him.

Ethan chuckled again. His eyes were as clear and bright as the moon. "I don't believe we’ve met either. Now, let's talk business. Are you here to work as designers? Or to sell design templates?"

Nina gently tugged on Anna and whispered, "Anna, even his voice is so soothing. It's like a breeze on a summer day. Warm and gentle...”

Anna nodded awkwardly. She cleared her throat and spoke in a serious tone.

"We would like to sell some of our designs. We've already brought the templates here." Anna quickly took out a flash drive from her bag.

Ethan received the flash drive from her. He gazed at Anna, still maintaining a tender smile on his lips.

"I shall go through your design templates now."

Anna and Nina were both overjoyed. After countless rejections, they finally saw hope.

They held hands in anticipation. If they were not standing in front of their precious new boss, they absolutely would have jumped with joy.

Ethan plugged the flash drive into his computer and scanned through the templates. Then, he turned to Anna again. "Are these ideas for advertising traditional clothes?”

"That's right!" Anna nodded again and again.

Ethan gazed at the excellent and refined work on his laptop. They were even filled with a taste of innovative creativity. He nodded his head in praise and approval.

Anna and Nina exchanged glances. They were on cloud nine.

"Mr. Collins, although we are merely students of the University of Johannes, Anna right here is a genius! She’s famous for her academic achievements and even got first place! I believe that if you hire us, we can surely produce even better designs and bring more benefits to the company," Nina smiled and said.

Ethan nodded. "Although your template for traditional clothes cannot be used by our company, we can certainly still use it as a reference for other clothing."

"Really? That’s great!” Anna’s eyes sparkled with joy.

"We will work even harder to create a template

according to the company's requirements." Nina had the vigor of a tiger.

Ethan smiled warmly. "I love the optimism and enthusiasm of university students who just entered society. Coincidentally, our company needs fresh grads like you right now.

"I have looked through your templates. There may be some shortcomings here and there, but you two definitely have unique styles."

Ethan paused for a while, then continued.

"Would you two like to join our company as designers?"

Anna exchanged glances with Nina. They were instantly ecstatic. "Do you approve of our designs that much?"

"Are you saying that our designs have passed? That's great! So great!" Nina jumped with joy.

Anna pressed her lips together. She turned to Ethan with a troubled expression and asked in a soft voice," Umm... Mr. Collins, if you've already approved of the templates here, what kind of price will you offer us for them?"

"Are you in dire need of money?"

Anna could feel herself panicking. Embarrassed, her cheeks turned pinkish. "We are currently in some sort of a situation so we do need some money right now. It doesn’t have to be a lot. So..."

"Your designs are great. However, we don't need this kind of advertising right now. As I have said before, w e can only use them as references at the moment. So..."

Ethan smiled. “I think you know the drill. I will first have to see this design implemented on our clients’ products and see how much of it we can retain-only then can I decide how much commission I should reward you with."


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