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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 446

When Seraphina coldly uttered, "Why don't you just bury me alongside your son," Gloria's face turned ashen, and then, with a rage that seemed to tear the very air, she lunged at Seraphina once more, screaming, "Shut up! Just shut up!"

Seraphina stood by the bed, as immovable as a mountain, watching Gloria's advance with a detached gaze, not bothering to dodge.

Instead, she called out to Karan, her voice dripping with irony, "Karan, look, I speak of the sins she once committed, and how she loathes me now... Would you mind fetching a knife so she can finish me off?"

"Seraphina!" Karan shook with anger, "Stop provoking the lady!"

"Everyone must answer for their actions," Seraphina spoke slowly, "She's sown so much discord, why can't I speak of it? Now, the misdeeds have come to haunt her own son—it's her retribution!"

Gloria let out a sharp scream, turned to the bedside, and in a frenzy began hurling everything from the bedside table at Seraphina.

But Seraphina just stood there, unflinching, even smiling as objects pelted her.

Seeing Seraphina's smile, Gloria, using all her strength to hold herself upright, turned ghastly pale, looking like a specter.

"You really should kill me, you know why?" Seraphina spoke again, "Because your son's favorite person is me. Now he's hanging by a thread, about to die. If you kill me, let me join him, that would be the last act of love for him."

"You're lying!" Gloria could hardly articulate anything else, only repeating those simple words, "You're lying!"

"He's loved me for eight, maybe nine, ten years," Seraphina continued calmly, "Even when you were knocking on the door, he was holding me behind it, did you know? He loved me so much that, fearing I'd be a burden to him, he staged a whole act to push me away from the Reynolds family.

Do you know how he lived after I left? A life full of deceit and darkness, constant betrayal, brushes with death... After all that, he trusted no one, kept everyone at arm's length.

In those seven years, he never touched another woman—why? Oh, because he was afraid! Afraid that every intimate moment was a calculation, a test of life and death! Until I came back... I was the only woman in his heart, the only one he trusted—his elaborate plot was to bring me back!

In those seven years, have you ever seen him truly smile? But after I returned, he began to smile, to sleep properly, to become a normal man again! We even had a child, a child conceived together, and do you know how thrilled he was when he knew Valerio was mine? He held me and said how grateful he was that Valerio was our child!

We were happy, just the three of us, I could even forgive the things he had once done to me! But then you appeared... and destroyed everything!

Because of you, I have to take Valerio to Summitville.

Because of you, we have to live apart. And b

ecause of you, he's back to those dark days!

He can't eat, can't sleep, worn out from constant toil, all to care for you, a woman as hysterical as a lunatic!"

Seraphina said so much in one breath that as Gloria listened to every word, her hatred intensified, grinding her teeth in anger. Yet every time she tried to interrupt, she found herself at a loss for words, only able to glare at Seraphina, her tears falling unnoticed.

And Seraphina continued,

"He thought you were sick, that everything you did was beyond your control, and that you'd be fine once cured...

But what sickness do you have? All these years, everything you've done has been an escape! You couldn't face a husband who didn't love you, a marriage that failed, you even feared facing the real you—because the real you is cowardly, weak, and inept!

You feared everyone seeing your true face, so you tormented those around you for a sense of satisfaction!


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