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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 447

Police cruisers once again lined the driveway of the Reynolds Vista Retreat, their blue and red lights casting an eerie glow over the opulent estate. For the staff of the Reynolds family, a visit from law enforcement was nothing novel.

But this time, the incident was unprecedented.

The last casualty was Valerio Reynolds, who had suffered only minor injuries;

This time, however, it was Leandro Reynolds, the family patriarch, who was seriously hurt. The amount of blood he'd lost had been so substantial that despite the cleanup, the living room still resembled a crime scene.

In the midst of this chaos, the officers were meticulously gathering evidence and taking statements.

Standing alone by the grand entrance, Seraphina gazed out over the expansive private gardens and driveway, her eyes reflecting the bright lights with a cool, clear sharpness.

Herman stepped out of the house and positioned himself beside her, lighting up a cigarette with a contemplative frown.

The night breeze carried a wisp of smoke to Seraphina, prompting her to suddenly ask, "Got another one for me?"

Herman, taken aback, glanced at her before hesitantly pulling out another cigarette and handing it to her.

Seraphina took it, placed it between her lips, and leaned in to catch a light from Herman's lighter. She drew back after a deep inhale, her movements betraying a practiced ease that left Herman momentarily speechless. After a beat, he managed to ask, "Aren't you going to the hospital?"

With a cigarette pinched delicately between her fingers, Seraphina let out a low chuckle. "What for?"

Leandro was in surgery, racing against death itself. She was unable to enter, unable to see him. If she went, she would merely be another anxious spirit wandering the hospital hallways, eyes glued to the status light above the operating room door.

And even if she could enter, what then? She'd be powerless, a silent witness to his struggle on the operating table.

Waiting made time stretch into an eternity, morphing into something monstrous.

She knew that feeling all too well. So she preferred to distract herself with something else, anything to divert her focus.

Perhaps then, when she least expected it, she'd get the news that the surgery was over, and he was going to be okay...

After a moment of silence, Herman finally said, "Yeah, Leandro's a tough guy. He's come through worse than this. He'll pull through."

At that, Seraphina laughed again but offered no response.

She had only taken a couple of drags from the cigarette before letting it burn down between her fingers, the ember glowing and fading slowly.

When the cigarette had turned to ash, an officer emerged from the house and briefed Herman on the investigation's progress.

"We've pretty much wrapped up collecting evidence, and we've finished taking statements, except for upstairs—"

Upstairs, Gloria and Karan had remained locked in their room, unseen and unreachable, the police having decided against a forced entry.

"Let's wait a bit longer," Herman suggested before taking the statements from the officer to review them.

"Let me have a look," Seraphina interjected suddenly.

Herman looked at her, and with a slight smile, she said, "I might as well do something."

After a brief hesitation, he handed her one of the statements.

Seraphina read through it quickly, then went back to review it word by word.

The day had started out harmoniously enough.

Gloria had been in a much calmer state of mind, and Bruce, who had been away from home for a long time, had unexpectedly returned.

Bruce, typically assertive to the point of aggression, was uncharacteristically patient and attentive, gently inquiring about Gloria's well-being.

Initially, Gloria was a bundle of nerves, but gradually, she had settled down. Her mood even seemed to lift, and she joined Bruce for lunch.

Bruce, who had always embodied the machismo image, was exceptionally considerate that day, tiptoeing around Gloria as if afraid to trigger an outburst, showing a side of tenderness that was rare for him.

He had even gone out of his way to purchase Gloria's favorite greenhouse-grown cantaloupe and had taken it upon himself to slice it in the kitchen.

But it was precisely at that moment that his phone, left unattended on the coffee table, lit up silently with an incoming call.


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