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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 1

Chapter 0001


“Kristen, are you ready?” Jacob asked. He was being very impatient with me. His sh aggy black hair was getting into his crystal clear blue eyes. Looking over, I watched him run his hands through his hair. Jacob was hot, I’ve give him that. Very muscular and tall at 6’1” but not exactly my type. Fun to flirt with but not my type.


“Just about.” I was the alpha’s daughter. My brother was Jacob’s best friend and the leader of our little pack of friends. Colt was every girl’s we t dr eam. Short brown hair with extremely dark brown eyes. I guess I could see how his jaw line and beard stubble made me look good. His was completely bulked out as well.


However, since I was his twin, we looked very similar. Colt often got teased since I am the female version of him and extremely sought after by the guys.


However, Colt was four minutes older than me so he get’s the Alpha’s position. Leaving me to do what I please and that happens to be tattooing. I started tattooing around 15 years old and Colt and I would be 18 here soon. I was on my last session with Jacob.


“I’m excited to get this done. I have a date this weekend and I want it to look good.” Jacob had a new flavor every weekend, to the point that I didn’t bother learning their names.


We went to a high school that was part human and part werewolves. However, three different packs attended the school so you had to be careful. There was us, the Blue Fang pack. Then the Midnight River pack and finally the Black Moon pack. For the most part, the packs got along but there was still always a sense of authority that was tested.


“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you look good. Can’t be representing our pack badly.” Jacob was getting our Crest tattooed on his chest. It was the head of a wolf with its teeth showing and blue blood dripping from the fangs. Kind of spot on for whoever designed it but whatever.


“Thanks, Ice.” Ice was my nickname. Colt was fire. As in, red hot, se xy and playful. Ice is for my cold heart that I chose not to give out. I had long naturally curly hair, all the curves with legs for days. I could have the pick of whoever I wanted. However, Colt usually put a stop to it.


One time, he literally beat my boyfriend to the point he was unrecognizable because he saw us k*ssing. Since then, I haven’t found anyone really wanting to go up against him.


Jacob was leaning back in the chair as I finished up setting everything up when my brother and the rest of his pose came in. “You ski p the last hour?” Colt asked me.


Rolling my eyes, I leaned over and started working on Jacob. He flinched at first and growled at me. “You are not going to want to do that.” I warned him. I might be a girl but the alpha blood and training in me will put all these boys on their assess.


“I wasn’t ready.”


“Suck it up.” I said as I kept going.


“Ice, I asked a question.” Colt sat down in a chair. Ace was who I wanted but was forever untouchable to me. His was the beta’s son and would be Colt’s beta. His honey brown hair matched his eyes. Only slightly shorter than Colt, he was just as muscular and much more reserved and quiet. He was the type to sit in the corner, drink and watch everyone else get stu pid. It’s the silent types for me. He sat down directly in front of Jacob. With his foot on the bar under the chair, his arms folded, made me want to climb on his lap and f u ck him.


“I heard you. I didn’t want to go.” Dripping my gun into the blue ink, I kept going.


“Why not? Something happen?” Colt’s voice became dangerous. These three guys and my best friend Emmy, we were a group. Gang might be too much of a word but no one messed with us. We made sure of it.


Thankfully, the door opened and Emmy walked in. Jacob had the hots for her but she denied him so often that he would go out with these other girls to make her jealous. However, all it did was repulse her. I have her a grateful nod.


She was the most perky person. With strawberry blond hair that was as curly as can be, she was one of the best female warriors… under me. Her light skin that was covered in freckles, really made her blue eyes pop.


“How’s it going?”


“Just finishing up si ssy boy’s tattoo.” I said with a smile as I kept going.


“That looks amazing.” Emmy came over and looked at it as I leaned back and cleaned it off with a paper towel.


“Si ssy boy?” Jacob gave me a look.


“Down boy, just a joke.” I laughed as I kept going. The bell ringed again, this time, the person entering was someone from another pack.


“Hello, I heard this was the place to go for a tattoo?” We all looked at him. Oh, f u c k. He gave Ace a run for his money. His black hair was gelled back, his green eyes landed on me and my world paused. His leather jacket did little to hide just how muscular he was. It was his jeans that caught my attention. They were on the tighter side but the biker boots finished his look.


Shaking off the initial reaction, “What are you looking for?”


“I was told to ask for a Chris. They were the best.”


“That would be me.” I said with an edge. Most people in my school called me Kris, my close friends called me Ice. Very few people called me Kristen.


The shock was clear but he managed to regain himself. “I was hoping to get a piece like this.” Pulling out a massive drawling, he walked up to me so I could look at it.


“Where do you want it?” I asked. It was a whole mural of a wolf howling at the moon.


“My back. I want it to cover the whole thing. I just got back from a five year training and I want to get inked.”


“What is your name?” Colt asked.


The stranger looked over at him. “Name is Alec. Son of Alpha Marc from the Black Moon Pack. He walked over to shake Colt’s hand.



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