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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 201

Chapter 0201

“Oh yeah, I’m not moving anywhere anytime soon. My as s is numb.” Emmy said without looking up. She was still focused on the remaining pictures.

Jasper nodded and opened the door. Allowing me to go first, he shut the door and locked it before we made our way to his office. Jasper knocked once before he opened the door.

“What is it? Find anything else?” Alpha Marc looking concerned as I walked in.

“There is another pictures of …” I started but Jasper walked forward and handed it to Alpha Marc. “Does that man look like Penny?” I asked, changing directions.

“Hmm, I don’t know.” Alpha Marc was rubbing his chin as he leaned back. “I rather not look at a photo of

my son and his mate having a private moment.” He said after a moment.

“Ignore that part. Focus more on the part that this man is not part of our pack and is standing behind us and we never noticed.” I said more urgently.

“I mean, I could see why you didn’t notice.” Alpha Marc looked and me and frowned.

“When focus on the part where this location is by the pond. Around the same location that the rogues

were found by us. The same location that is on the opposite side of the pack from the first tunnel that is

was found.”

His eyes narrowed as I filled him in. Alpha Marc had his hands folded in front of him. I noticed his

knuckles turning white as his b*dy refused to move. His eyes didn’t blink as they drilled holes into mine.

At first, I wasn’t sure if he was mind-linking Alec or what he was doing. After a moment, I just assumed he

was processing what this actually met.

“Alec and I have a plan and we want to run it by you.” I said after a long pregnant pause.


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