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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 205

Chapter 0205


Turning around, she looked at me and sighed. “What now?”

“Make a list. We will have waves of people being transported. I need to let them know a number. Keep the families together and figure out how many cars we can take at a time.”

“I can do that.” As much as I loved Emmy, I needed another set of hands.

“Alec?” I had to mind-link him as I wasn’t sure how to call him.

“What? I am finishing something up and I’ll be right up. Jasper just gave me a quick rundown.”

“I need Penny’s help with these plans.”

“I’ll give Colt a call and tell him to call the office directly. Is that okay?” Alec was trying to keep his anger from being transferred to me.

“Thank you.” I said simply and ended that conversation. “Emmy, can you take these things off me?” I


“Of course.” It took her a second to stand up and come up to me. It was uncomfortable to have them pulled over my head but once they were off, it was much easier. “Are you okay?” She asked as she set them on the floor. The phone started ringing.

“Penny?” I asked as I picked up the phone.

“No, it’s Colt. What’s up?”

“I need Penny’s help. We only have a short time before we start sending people over and…”

“Alec filled me in. He said Jasper told him we were going to start when the battle started.” Colt

interrupted. He sounded far away.


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