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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 212

Chapter 0212

“Not too much. I’ll start in the filing cabinet.” Jasper said. I could hear the cabinet open with the screech of rusted metal rubbing against more metal. “He has a file for every ranking pack member in here.”

That didn’t fully surprise me but it did a little. Most alphas would do some sort of background check on their members. “That isn’t too crazy.” I said, unsure.

“Your file has different reports of your IQ testing you took as a child.”

“WHAT?” I was completely appalled.

“Yeah, this is a copy of an IQ test that looks like you had it done when you were seven.” Jasper confirmed. He was right. I did have one done then.

“What else is in there?”

“There is a list of your family tree, positions of each person and what not.”

“He had all this in a file cabinet?” I clarified.

“It was locked. Your folder isn’t that interesting. Just basic stuff.” Jasper sounded like he put it back and was shifting through it.

“I know we don’t have a time crunch but keep looking.” I said, pushing Jasper to move on.

“He has a file on Alpha Rip.” Jasper said after a moment.

My curiosity got the best of me. “What does it say?”

“He also has a family tree but some of the names are blacked out.”

“Take a picture of it.” I said quickly.

“He has some serious knowledge of his pack. It has member numbers, square footage of the territory and even the pack house. S hit! He even knows their boarder patrol routine.”

“Are you serious?” I was blown away. “He would have to have a spy for him to know that.”

“I know. It doesn’t say how long he has had this information.” Jasper said almost to himself than to me.

The vans were pulling up again. Right on time again as the pack stood up and waited for them to park We were getting closer to the end, which made me happy. Emmy helped them in once again. After signing the paper, the vans took off.

Emmy went back to sitting on the steps and Luna Erin sat down beside her. My heart ski pped a beat for a

I’ll explain later.”


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