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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 3

Chapter 0003


I chose to ignore that comment. “What can I do for you?”


“Angela can be a hot head but she is transferring too and I don’t want there to be problems at school.” I almost felt disappointed…almost.


“As long as she knows her place. If not, I’m sure she will find it soon enough.” It wasnt a threat but a promise.


Alex nodded his head in understanding. “Why did your brother call you Ice?”


“That name is reserved for close friends.”


“That didn’t answer my question.”


“I’m not exactly the warm and fuzzy type.” I kept it vague.


“Ice?” I guess Ace was done waiting. Alex didn’t bristle up, merely glanced over and studied his b*dy language.


“Your boyfriend?”


“No. See you tomorrow.” I said before turning back around. Ace held the door open for me. Alec’s bike peeled out as Ace shut the door.


“What was that about?” Colt asked, clearly unhappy.


“His bit ch is transferring to and he doesn’t want a scene.” I shrugged.


“What did you tell him?” Jacob asked in a not so friendly tone.


“As long as she knows her place, we are good. That I would hate to remind her of it.”


“Hate…s hit.” Ace shook his head in disbelief.


“Your reputation should be enough to keep her away.” Emmy laughed.


“One little fight and I am the school bad girl.” I sighed.


“It wasn’t one fight and you put her into a coma.” Colt smirked.


“Bit ch needed to know her place.” I wasnt hungry but I didnt want to go home.


“Lets head out.” Jacob drank the last of his soda.


“You girls need a ride?” Colt offered.


“No, I want to walk home.”


“Its getting dark out..” Ace looked out the window.


“Thanks, dad. I wasn’t aware.” Annoyed, I got up and started out the door. Emmy was quick to follow me.


“You know you will be in trouble if you are late.” Emmy frowned.


She was right but I hated A nn. “I’ll be in trouble even if I am early.” I hear the boy’s bikes come up behind us.


“Come on, sis. Get on.” Colt held out a hand for me. Sighing, I gave in and got on. Emmy got on Ace’s bike and we took off for the pack house.


The ride only lasted five minutes and I was back to my hell. Colt dropped us off at the front and he went around to the garage. As soon as we walked in the front door, something moved from the side.




The sting of a hand slapping across my face caused my head to whip to the right. I was caught so off guard that I stag gered a little.


“Stu pid girl! How dare you disrespect me!” Luna An n shrieked.


Pure hatred filled my eyes as I looked at her. I wasnt sure what came over me as I walked up to her and returned the slap. However, mine was more powerful and she fell to the floor crying.


“WHAT IS GOING IN HERE?” dad roared. I knew I was in trouble but I didnt regret it.


“I literally walked in the door and she slapped me! I can’t take this anymore dad! I am done being disrespected by someone who isn’t even my mother! I hate it here! Come my birthday, I am gone and you won’t ever see me again. So punish me as you want but I don’t care anymore!” The boys came in the room as I ranted. Tears ran down my face with the blood from the split l*p she gave me. Not even waiting for a response, I ran up to my room, slamming the door shut.


My b*dy was buzzing and I needed to hit something. Thankfully, Colt installed a punching bag to help me focus my anger on it. My mind went black as I punched it over and over again.


It wasn’t until two massive arms wrapped around me and pinned me against him that I came back. My knuckles were blo ody and my arms ached.


“Ice! Calm down!” Colt had me tight against his chest. “I’m so sorry, sis.”


My breathing leveled out and my eye sight focused. Jacob and Ace where here too. “Emmy went home.” Ace read my mind.


“Take a shower and go to bed.” Colt said, letting me go. Ace came up and took my chin in his hand. He moved it to look at my l*p.


“It’s nothing.” I said, jerking my head out of his hand.


“I convinced dad to let you cool down. You need to see him in the morning.”


“Okay.” I was grateful for that. “Thanks.”


The boys nodded as they left my room. My phone dinged. Not even looking at it, I tossed it on the bed and went to take a shower.


The hot water burned against my knuckles but I welcomed the pain. The water eventually ran cold and I got out. Drying off, and putting jammies on, I got into bed. My phone dinged again. This time, I looked at it.


Emmy: You okay?


Me: Yeah, I’m okay.


Emmy: don’t believe you but we can talk tomorrow. Maybe Ace can ease your mind?!


Me: goodnight….


She did get me to smile as I fell asleep instantly.


The next morning, I woke up early to get ready. An n slept in so I knew dad would be alone in his office. Braiding my hair to the side, I applied a light layer of makeup to try to hide the light bruise on my chin. Finally, I put in flowy shorts with a black b*dysuit. Grabbing a pair of sandals, I made my way to his office





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