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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 422

“True but none are this comfortable or have such great company.” I was sucking up hard but Frank had a soft side. His rough exterior made people think he was all business but deep down, Frank liked the company. I, truly believe that is the only reason he was still here. In this business, you don’t make friends.

“What job do you have?” Frank poured himself a coffee and sat down across from me.

“Find someone.”

“Well, anyone who is anyone will be here tomorrow night for the fight.” Frank took a sip and studied me over his mug.

Damn, that means another night away from Kara. “Sounds like I will be hanging out the next two days.”

“Good, I need help around the place. Get down there and start sweeping.” Frank stood up and started walking away.

“Where are you going?” I yelled at him.

“Back to bed.” I watched him retreat around the corner, leaving me all lone.

“Well, shit.” Standing up, I walked back outside an into the shed. It wasn’t exactly a shed but a large roof for the stairs. From the outside, people would think this is just an everyday shed. The tin was worn down, rusted and looked like the wind could take it down at any second. However, on the inside, yearly treated wood lined the walls, making it possible to frame the stairs for entry.

It had been years since I had attended one of these events. Sometimes, they were fights, other times it was an auction. Every now and then, they would have dog fights and once I even saw a chicken fight. Basically anything that made people spend money. I’ve seen more women get sold here than anything. Since I was one of the guards Rip made go, I had to handle most of it.

Flipping on the lights, the fluorescent lights blinked a few times before flickering on. A single chain-linked case sat in the middle of the room. Blood stained the cement floor, not just in the ring but the entire place. This room was one large circle with built-in bars and viewing areas. There was a single exit on the other side that led to a holding cell for whatever event was going on but the only way in and out of here was the stairs. This made it impossible for anything…unwanted to go on. No sneaking people in or out.

Grabbing the broom, I started cleaning the floor from all the rodent droppings, dead bugs and just general debris. There was an air filtration system but that didn’t do anything for nature.

It always made me laugh that people came here for anything illegal but would throw a toddler size temper tantrum if it was a little dirty. After sweeping, there was dusting the cobwebs and putting out the tables and chairs.

“Isn’t this cozy.” Colt’s voice surprised the shit out of me. For the first time, I was actually afraid of the situation I found myself in.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, not looking at him but kept sweeping.

“Just following up on my investments. I might come off as a nice guy but there is a side to me that most don’t get to see and the ones that do, don’t live to tell anyone else.”

The thought of underestimating him came across my mind. “I repeat, what are you doing here? This isn’t the place someone like you would show your face.”


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