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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 429

“Little slow, bro.” Jacob gave him a ‘sorry about your luck’ look.

“Alright, I accept your challenge.” Jasper sat up and smirked at Jacob.

“A challenge? When did I challenge you?” Jacob was back peddling hard.

“I heard it and accept it as well.” Alec said very alpha like. “We shall have a one mile race. Colt and I will organize the event to be held in the next week or two.”

“Scared?” Jasper looked at Jacob like he already won.

“You wish, Crip.” Jacob held up his drink to Jasper. Jasper met his drink to Jacob’s and the toast sealed the deal.

“I love how parties bring us together.” I said, shaking my head at their level of childishness.

“Speaking of parties, are you girls going to have a baby shower?” Sherry asked.

“Oh, yeah at some point. In a month, we have that Halloween Party.” Penny said.

“We should do it soon. With triplets, who knows when you will give birth. Multiples always come early.” Ice said, trying not to smile too big.

“I haven’t even boughten anything.” Penny looked worried.

“We can look through it all tomorrow and buy whatever we need.” I told her to ease her mind.

“That would be great!” Penny breathed a sigh of relief.

“Do you know the genders?” Ice leaned forward in excitement.

“We do but I want to keep it a secret right now.” Penny said to my surprise.

“Aw! Really? How will I know what to buy you?”

“She is having three babies, I think you could probably buy her a little of everything and it will get used.” Jacob said as he took a sip of his drink.

“He isn’t wrong. There are so much stuff that is greens, yellows, grays and blacks!”

“Well, sure but what if I want to buy a dress?” Ice challenged.

“You are going to buy your niece a dress and not a free tattoo?” Jasper teased.


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