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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 435

“Damit, what the fuck are we going to do?” I asked.

“Hold up.” Alec said.

“What’s happening?” Laying down and looking through the scope, I saw as the men stood up. The guards brought them inside the castle before Vin and Gunther walked in behind them. Closing the door, the guards outside started walking around like they did before.

“They went inside.”

“Fuck, they will probably torture him the way they did my informant.”

“Colt, you can’t let that happen.” Alec sighed.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Okay, this is what is going to happen. I am going to move in now. Somehow, I’ll sneak into the castle. You boys need to get eyes on all sides of the castle and provide cover for me. I’ll plant the damn pills and find the bastard.”

“Colt, you’re going in basically blind.” Alec looked over at me. I couldn’t see his expression but I could feel his judgement.

“Do you have a better idea? Would you like to go?” I asked as I dug through my bag. Pulling out different knives and other objects that might help me.

“You heard him. I need a man on every side of the castle. Not a single window is to be dark.”

The men instantly grabbed what they needed and walked off in different directions. “Alec, if something happens to me…”

“Don’t. Don’t say that.” Alec shook his head.

“I’m serious man. This is the single most dangerous thing I have ever done. If something goes wrong…” I had to pause. The thought of not coming home to my mate and my children…

“I’ll take care of her.” Alec put his hand on my shoulder. “You just focus on coming out of there alive.”

Alec handed me my ear piece. Turning it on, we waited until the men all got into position. “Alright men, there is no room for error. All your training comes down to this. Alpha Colt’s life is on the line, don’t fuck this up.” Alec nodded at me. Time to start my journey.

I had a little ways before the security cameras started, however, I stayed against the trees as much as possible. Pushing Penny from my mine, I had to work on steading my heart rate. Irregular heart beat is how mistakes are made. Calm heart, calm mind. That is what I kept repeating over and over in my head.


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