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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 437

Untying my boots, I was able to slip those off easily enough. Then came my vest, however, I needed my vest. Doing the next best thing, I just shook off my clothes, allowing the dirt to fall to the floor. Surly, they wouldn’t find this mess until after I was long gone.

“Yeah! YEAH!” The door suddenly opened and I froze. My hands were visible in the light that was coming in from the foyer. “Kiss my ass.” A guy whispered as he tossed in the broom. He must not have been paying attention because the closet shut a moment later.

“Can you give us an update?” Alec asked in my ear.

I didn’t answer right away. Instead, I finished cleaning off my body and listened to the world around me. The night was running out so my time frame was getting shorter and shorter. Once I was sure no one was around, I responded back.

“In a closet off the foyer. Getting ready to move.”

“Holy Fuck. Good, your alive.” I heard someone say in relief.

“Any ideas on where I am going?” I asked as my hand wrapped around the door handle.

“None. Dungeons are usually where the prisoners are kept. However, you need to give the antidote to Gunther first.”

“You boys better be ready.” I said before shutting up completely. Turning the knob, I looked out into the lobby. No sign of guards and assuming they put Gunther and Kara in a guest room, I just started opening doors and looking around.

“Most likely there will be cameras. Look for anything that could be considered suspicious. I put a laser in your vest that will just make the picture go fuzzy. It only works if the laser is on the camera. The person watching it will think a bug or something is on it and not worry about it. Chances are, there are cameras in every single room. Stay to the shadows and careful with your movements.”

So, no pressure. Just be a cameleon and blend in. Getting to the first door, I opened it and didn’t see anything. The bed was empty but since I didn’t move the door more than an inch, I just shut it and continued on. Going to the next door, I did it again. Cracking the door open, I peaked in. When there wasn’t anyone in the bed, I closed it and kept going. So far, I found a bathroom, three closets and four bedrooms.

Usually, the kitchen and living rooms are on one side and sleeping rooms are in the rooms above. Taking the stairs, I went as slowly as possible. My socks made it a little slippery but at least I wasn’t leaving any tracks from my shoes.

“Why does he want it done tonight?” I heard a door open from below. Going up three steps, I slipped into the shadow and didn’t move. Holding my breath, I continued on. “They aren’t going anywhere.”

“Not sure man, the last guy he cut up didn’t say a word. He was fucking pissed off.” My heart wanted to start pounding. My informant didn’t talk.


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