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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 439

“No. He never made it outside from what I saw.” Alec said as he took a shot.

“How did you find us?” Zac asked. His voice was thick with pain. His breathing was heavy and a layer of sweat had formed on his skin.

Ignoring him, I grabbed the binoculars and looked around. Men were coming out of the castle with blood seeping out of their eyes, nose and mouth. “This is working good.” I said, feeling a little hopefulness.

“Gunther and Kara are bleeding but not coughing like the rest.” Alec reported.

“Eyes on Vin. He ran into the woods with a group of men. No eyes on him.”

“Are you going after him?” Zac asked.

“Gunther and Kara took off after him.” The same guy reported.

Alec looked at me. “Hold positions. Finish off our task here.” Closing my eyes, I just listened to Alec’s gun go off a few more times before he sat up. “It was the right call.”

“You let him get away.” Zac had a bitterness to him.

“Why the fuck are you even here?” I rounded on him. “We had a fucking plan and you royally fucked it up!

Why can’t you just fucking stay in the shadow and not get caught?” I tried not yell but damn it was hard.

“I had some intel. Didn’t count on Vin’s men being there.” Zac looked away from me.

“Intel on what?”

“There was some girls that were being sold. They used to be maids for Vin and I thought they might have some intel on his operations.”

“Let’s pack it up and go home.” Alec said to his men.

“When is the next auction?” I asked Zac.

“Not for another few weeks. After this, might be a long time before they do anything public. Might just stick to private interactions. This was a major punch to Vin’s gut. He won’t let this go. This just costed him his reputation.” Zac looked at me and meant every word.

“He shouldn’t have the man power to retaliate just yet. This would have taken him months to build.” Alec chimed in.

“Don’t get comfortable. He has allies and could call on them to issue an attack to your packs.” Zac looked at us like we didn’t take him seriously.

“With our size, he has enough allies to think they stand a chance?” I asked.

“You pissed a lot of alphas off by killing Rip. They might team up with Vin to kill you and then will probably turn and kill Vin after. No one likes Vin but they hate you more.”

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Alec muttered as he kept packing his stuff up.



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