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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 444

“Boys ready?” Alec asked as he got into the passenger’s seat.

“Yes.” We wear a collection of yes and a few just grunts from the back. They were happy to come along as the men had fun last time but riding in this SUV for this long is not idea.

“Good. You boys have a few hours to help Alpha Colt come up with baby names.” Alec said. My head snapped him his in shock.

“The fuck did my sister do to you?” I asked. That earned many chuckles from the back.

“You didn’t exactly respond favorably earlier so now she has it in her mind that we need to help you.” Alec said as he pulled out a piece of paper.

“Is that a list of names?” I asked.

“Yes.” Alec started to read the first one but I grabbed it from his hand and tossed it out of the window.


“Tell my sister to kiss my ass.” Sighing, I knew this was going to be a long car ride.

“Waylon is a good name.” I heard from the back. “My mate and I were going to use that name but we only had girls.”

“Wesley is good.”

“Wesley is a pretty boys name. Not a name for an Alpha.” I groaned. Alec was just silently laughing at my misery.

“Archer Brian.” I heard from the back.

“That’s not a bad name.” Another guy noted.


“Yeah, if you want him to get picked on at school.” The men in the back were starting to argue about what names are better than the rest. I honestly liked Archer Brian. It wasn’t terrible.

“Grayson.” I heard them say. That was another one that caught my attention. It wasn’t so unknown that made it weird but it was still not common that he will run into many other Graysons.

“How about we discuss something else.” I suggested but in a more firm voice.

They changed their conversation but I let it drift into background noise. Instead, I just kept thinking about the stress of it all. Nothing was making me happier than to be getting three babies here soon. However, the stress of knowing my heavily pregnant mate was in imminent danger was giving me narrow vision. As much as I wanted to meet my children and name them, I wanted it to be in a world that was safe. Thinking of baby names right now seemed impractical.

I needed to focus on how to kill Vin and take down whatever thing he was building. Only when he was dead, would my mate and children be safe. Allowing them come into a world with Vin still alive wasn’t an option.

After stopping for food, we managed to make it to our destination. Since I had drove through the night, it was only an hour or so before the sun came up. Knowing the men wanted a few hours of shut eye, I pulled into a hotel.


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