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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 448

“What?” I heard the men in my ear collectively ask. “Did we hear that right?”

Alec and I didn’t respond as we watched in horror. The man screamed in agony. “While this takes affect, I am going to keep talking. This process takes a little bit of time to complete.” Vin snapped his fingers and the guards came out and placed tape over the guys mouth. His screams were muffled but it was easier to hear Vin.

Vin kept pacing around but looked at everyone as he talked. His eyes scanned the room, not really seeing anyone but making sure everyone felt addressed. “I have recently come into some ranking wolf’s blood. It is what we used today but as you can see, it isn’t a perfect solution. After trials and errors, we have narrowed it down to what type of blood is needed and what kind of recipients is best to survive the transformation. Obviously, ranking wolf blood is the best blood as it has the strongest properties in it. Awkwardly enough, female blood works better.” Vin held up his arms in acceptance.

The crowd did not like this. “Bullshit!”

“Fuck off!”

“Listen here!” Vin said, using his hands to help lower the volume, he kept going. “Women have a higher pain tolerance. It is a known fact. Just think about it. Not only are they constantly disciplined but they are bending over cleaning, cooking or servicing us. They have their monthly cycles that I heard are painful and they are used to manual labor. We have used both men and women’s blood and have found a higher success rate within the female category. Darin did a whole interviewing process. Moving them to rooms and tested their pain tolerances and even took some blood to test.”

As he spoke, my mind went to the house. Ice was right. We weren’t exactly wrong with what that how was for but we were way off. It all clicked. Darin would draw them in. Interview them on their blood and probably still have his way with them. However, he wanted them for their blood. After he was done with them, he just sold them for a profit to he could keep running his business.

My phone buzzed slightly, making my eyes go there. Jacob texted back but what he said made me pick up my phone. “Gunther and Kara are gone. Trackers were found and placed in some men.”

Holding my phone up to Alec, he did a double take before looking at me. “He used Gunther’s blood.” I said.

“Kara doesn’t have any ranking blood, does she?”

“No, her family is warriors.”

“That’s why they want Penny. She is an alpha female. Literally the strong female there is” Alec said. My eyes flipped back to the screen as Vin stepped back. The human was thrashing around. Nails were elongating, hair was sprouting out of his body and his eyes had changed.

“The unfortunate thing, when they turn into wolves, they lose their human counterpart. They will listen to your command and are incredibly loyal. Since they have ranking blood in their system, they are strong. An army of these can easily defeat a regular army of wolves.”

Mark’s eyes scanned the room. Most of the guys were nodding. Some had smiles on their faces and some looked at the man like this was the most horrific thing they had seen.

The man’s screams went from human to more of a growl. Mark looked back over and saw fangs slash through the tape. His shoes ripped off his feet as they resembled more claws than anything else.


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