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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 468

“Oh good, you are here already.” The door to my office was open so Jacob just walked in.

“Where did you think I’d be?” I didn’t even bother looking at him. Instead, I kept flipping through my papers and pictures to lay out over the meeting.

Jacob was wearing relaxed jeans with a nicer polo shirt. Thankfully, his shirt was a slate grey since we were wearing the same thing. However, I stayed with a black polo. My jeans were skinny jeans with my boots. The other alphas would say this is more of a younger person’s style but it was what I was more comfortable in.

“In bed nursing your wounds.” The humor in his voice was clear but I was a little stressed out at the moment to laugh.

“Actually feeling pretty good today.” After double checking my folder, I finally stood up and straightened my shirt. “How much time do we have before it starts?”

Jacob looked at his watch. “Five minutes.”

“Damn.” Walking past Jacob, we walked out of my office and headed to the meeting. “Is Alec here yet?”

Looking over my shoulder, Jacob was walking with his hands in his pockets.

“Sure is. Already in there. He sent me to find you.”

“Why didn’t he just come himself?” I asked, a little annoyed.

“He was talking to Alpha Jace.”

There was a total of six other alphas. Four of them were our age or a few years older. Their dad’s retired or was killed. Only two were left of the original allies from when my dad started this group years ago.

Alpha Carson and Alpha Hank were in their late 50s or early 60s. Where Alpha Carson had more salt than pepper, Alpha Hank dyed his hair a dark brown. He refused to accept his fate in aging. However, both men were covered in tattoos and muscles.

Alpha Jace was a natural bleach blonde with freckles. He had such a baby face that he put a snake tattoo across his chest, around his neck and on his cheek. With working out for ten hours a day, he transformed his adolescence appearance to a bodybuilder in months. Jacob and I always wondered if he used any enhancers because of this.

Alpha Lars was the most similar to Alec and I. He stood at 6’7 with jet black hair. His golden eyes always drew the ladies in but they ran when he opened his mouth. His strong jaw line made his self-confidence a little too large. Still, he manged to never strick out at the clubs.

Alpha Aston and Alpha Anthony were seven years older than me. They had been running their packs for a decade now and managed to never need to gather everyone. Aston had light brown hair. He was the shortest one at 6’1 and on the skinner side but his fighting skills were more than anyone of us could imagine. His dad had sent him off to different camps to learn karate and other forms.

Alpha Anthony had blonde hair but black eyes. With freckles covering his entire face, he too decided a neck tattoo made him appear meaner. He was the most muscular of us but had the shortest temper. For that reason, he was my least favorite alpha to work with.

“Alpha Colt!” Alpha Lars looked at me as I walked in and smiled.

“Are we doing formalities now?” Smiling, I put my hand out there for him to shake. Taking it, he shook my hand before giving me a hug.


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