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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 484

Alec and I just looked at each other. Not once did the possibility of a mole come into play. They really hasn’t been attacks or anything that would suggest anything had been leaked. Though, we have put Gunther, Kara and Zac out there and each knew a little something so it wasn’t like we were behind. The only thing that still confused me was how he knew about my informant.

“I wouldn’t think so.” Alec kept looking at me as he talked.

“The only thing that I still can’t figure out is how they knew who my informant was. Honestly, I didn’t even know who he was. Dad put his number in my phone before he died.”

“That might be something to look into.” Carson nodded.

“Have you thought about getting his informant?” Anthony asked.

“I have but it’s not like I have had a chance to really figure out who that is.” Setting my fork down, I pushed my half eaten plate away.

“Regardless, all information needs to stay in this room. Not even betas need to know what is going on. Their assignments need to be guarding the pack in our absence.” Carson looked around, daring someone to argue.

Everyone bristled a little from being told what to do but no one said anything as it was the right call. “In the absence of Penny, Kristen will be preforming all duties for both packs. She has Emmy to help her but tell your lunas that all issues needs to go through her.” Alec said. He didn’t clear it with me but it wasn’t like I was going to have an issue with the pack in her hands.

“Colt? Is that what you want?” Anthony asked.

My eyes met with his. Amusement clouded his expression, finding something humorous in this situation.

“Anthony, you have exactly two seconds to leave this room before my self-control is gone.”

It wasn’t me speaking, it was my wolf. He was an ancient wolf and although I had amazing control over him, he did not take disrespect lightly. Thankfully, Carson wrapped his hands around Anthony’s neck and pulled him out of the room. Hank followed them out before shutting the door.

“What is going on with him?” Jace asked as he leaned back.

Lars raised his arms above his head. “It’s not like you would actual care your twin sister is taking over some luna duties.”

“I think it was more about getting under his skin.” Jace frowned at Lars.

Lars stood up. “Come on. Let’s get a drink and go cool off.”

I was the last one to stand up but they all waited for me and watched me until I stood up to follow them. It was obvious what they were doing. No one was leaving me alone. Who knew what I was capable of if I was left to my own devices. Blood would probably flow down the streets.

“Here, drink this.” Lars handed me the first drink from the bar before we headed out to the porch.


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