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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 508

As soon as we drove up to the train, the first thing I noticed was our men. Everyone was done with their assignments and were standing around. A group of women of all ages were cuddled together, sitting on the ground.

“Alpha.” Hank’s beta came up to me instantly and bowed. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember his name.

“These are all the women that were freed. All will need medical attention but nothing life threatening.”

“Get them in a vehicle and get them back to my pack for treatment. They will be interviewed and provided for there.” I commanded instantly.

“Okay. I will be traveling with them to assure their safety.” I noticed more than once he kept looking back at them with a weird expression on his face. “Hank is on the train, waiting for you to arrive. All warriors are instructed to board the train and be prepared for where ever it goes.”

“Good. Take some warriors with you.” I said and walked off. I could hear him command people around but my attention on was on Carson and Alec as they were a few steps ahead of me. Some of the men were sitting down, talking and laughing like the fight was already over. Maybe there was so many men that it was easier than I expected. Though, Joe and Vin might of thought I wouldn’t have found all this. I wasn’t even sure what to do with all this land and newly acquired casino. Maybe I could turn this into some sort of camp for training young alphas or teens learning to fight. I’d have to ask Penny since this was technically her land.

Walking up to the engine, I almost had to plug my ears with how loud it was. The metal bars were cold under my hands as I climbed the ladder. “Hank.” I said as soon as I came into view.

“Congratulations!” Hank had a huge smile on his face as he came up to me. I was expecting a handshake but he pulled me into a full hug.

It was a little awkward but there wa still something comforting about it…. not that I could show that. “Thanks, man.” I said and gave him a few slaps on the back.

Hank let me go but held onto my shoulders. The look on his face was like a proud grandpa. After a few seconds, he let me go and went back to the train. “Ready to start this beast and find out there she goes?”

Alec and Carson were both standing off to the side with their arms folded. Alec was rather amused and Carson didn’t even try to hide the smile on his face. “Let’s go.” Rolling my eyes at them, I walked over to the window and looked out.

Hank pulled on the string, making the horn blare. All the men quickly jumped onto an open car. The last few men had to run a little before jumping since Hank wasn’t waiting. The train moved slowly down the tracks, giving me a beautiful view of the landscape.

“Do we have an idea of where this goes?” Carson asked.

“Not a single one. I had someone run down the tracks some but after ten miles, it kept going so he turned back around.”

“I have a feeling it just runs in a complete circle. If this is where they make the mutants, then they board them on the train to transport them to where they can put them into vehicles and take them where ever they need to go.” I didn’t even bother looking at them as I spoke.


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