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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 524

By the time we got home last night, the babies were all sleeping and just had ate. They were all in their own rooms, wrapped tightly in their swaddles and looked so peaceful.

It almost felt wrong to lay in bed and go to sleep for a few hours before they were up and at it again. Twice, we had gotten up and taken care of the kids before they refused to go to sleep again. It wasn’t until we put all three babies in the same crib that they laid next together and went to sleep.

I was laying there in bed before the sun came up, listening to the quiet noises of house when a faint sound of tires on gravel got my attention. Still, I didn’t think anything of it until I heard the front door open and close. At this point, all my eternal bells were going off.

As quietly as I could, I got up and crept down the hallway. Two people were quietly whispering when I reached the stairs. “I told you no!”

Relief flooded me when I recognized Ice’s voice. Half annoyed, I went to the babies and gathered them to take them down stairs. With any luck, Penny would be able to sleep in.

Little Adalynn was cooing softly in the bassinet so I just deposited my three and went into the kitchen. “The fuck are you doing here?” I whispered.

Ice about jumped out of her skin as a quiet shriek escaped her lips. Her eyes were wide but as soon as she recognized me, she got annoyed. “The hell is wrong with you?” She has as she clutched her heart.

“You sneak into my house and you want to ask what is wrong with me?” Emmy was quietly sitting in the corner with a cup of coffee. Her snickering brought my attention to her and that instantly took the smile off her face.

“Alec got the result and he is waiting for you in your office. I came to help with the babies till the nannies get here.” She turned back around and started cracking eggs.

“A phone call or text would have been nice.” I growled as I walked up the stairs. As quietly as I could, I walked into our bedroom, grabbed some jeans, socks and a t-shirt and walked out. Getting dressed in the babies room so I didn’t wake Penny up with my belt buckle, I went back down stairs.

“Here.” Ice held out a thermos. The coffee smelled amazing as I just nodded my head and walked out of the house. The black coffee started melting away the sleep but the need to get a better lock on the door kept growing.

The whole drive to the pack house was a blur so when I parked and stepped out of the vehicle, I was a little surprised to find I was here already. The place was crawling with pack members and guest getting ready for the big party tonight. Why Kirsten decided she needed to be at my house cooking eggs instead, was beyond me.

My office door was open and Alec was sitting at my desk on his laptop. “Keep your mate out of my house.” I grumbled as I walked in.

Alec just raised an eyebrow at me as I sat down on the couch. “Need some breakfast?”


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