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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 528

“Oh, if that is what you want, I’m all for it.” Looking at Penny, she seemed conflicted.

“I’m not real sure. I’ll think about it.”

Penny seemed like she wanted to say something but held her tongue. Kristen had opened her mouth to say something but Jace and Lars sat down beside us. “Our mates are trying to kill us.” Jace said.

“A bit dramatic, don’t you think? You had to hang up three mason jar chandeliers.” Kristen rolled her eyes at them.

“It’s like twenty feet high!” Lars shook his head. “You guys should go all out for just a BBQ.”

“I have a reputation to keep. Thank you very much.”

“I didn’t say it was bad!” Jace looked hurt as the glare Kristen was giving them.

“Half of it was your mate’s idea so unless you want me to tell them you hate it…” Kristen’s threat trailed off.

“Why did we sit here?” Lars grumbled.

Kristen threw a chip at him. “Because you love me.”

My food was gone and I still had so much shit to do it wasn’t funny. “As much as I am enjoying watching my sister take down two farce alphas, I have work to do.” Standing up, I kissed Penny on the forehead and walked out.

As much as I have enjoyed having my old friends around, I’m ready for less people here. It felt like shit was still going on and it was almost suffocating. Leaving Penny was always hard but it did seem less stressful today.

Bypassing my office, I went to my babies instead. Opening the door, the nannies were in the middle of changing their diapers. “Alpha? What a pleasant surprise.”

“I just wanted to come see them and how things were going.” Walking up, she just finished changing Elaina. Holding her up for me, I was able to take her and cradle her in my arms. She looked up at me and my heart just melted. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this girl. She had her mother’s eyes, making me powerless in them.

“She hasn’t ate yet. Do you want to feed her?”

I was torn. My desire to feed her and put off my paperwork was very strong but I clearly remembered the midnight and three A.M. feeding and that helped. “I need to get some work done.”

Handing her back, I walked over to my boys. They were cuddled together in the bassinet, sleeping very soundly. After giving them both a soft kiss on the forehead, I went to leave.

“Colt?” Penny opened the door before I got there and walked in.

“Hey.” Damn, I got caught.

“What are you doing here?” She was smiling at me, like she knew she caught me.

“Just wanted to see the kids.”

“You have work to do.” She gave me a look and walked past me.

“I know, I’m going.”


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